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Preconception Care Research: Improving Birth Outcomes and Reproductive Health Workshop

April 14-15, 2008

Preliminary Agenda

Monday, April 14, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Monday, April 14, 2008

8:00Welcome and Opening Remarks
Estella Parrott, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Uma Reddy, NICHD
Hani Atrash, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
 Session I: Reproductive Health
Moderator: Marcelle Cedars, UCSF
  • Germaine Buck Louis, NICHD - Reproductive health influences surrounding conception
  • Marcelle Cedars, UCSF - Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, other gynecological conditions
  • Kristina Adams Waldorf, University of Washington - Immunology: before the sperm and egg meet and consequences of the rendezvous
 Session II: Oocyte/Sperm/Embryo Quality
Moderator: Andrea Dunaif, Northwestern University
  • Kelle Moley, Washington University, St. Louis - Maternal obesity and diabetes: oocyte and embryonic origins of developmental abnormalities
  • Tom Fleming, University of Southampton, UK - Impact of poor nutrition on egg and embryo potential into postnatal life
  • Andrea Dunaif, Northwestern University - Fetal origins of PCOS
  • Carmen Williams, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) - Paternal influence on calcium signaling and embryo development
 Session III: Genetics, Epigenetics, and Congenital Anomalies
Moderator: Pat Hunt, Washington University
  • Pat Hunt, Washington State University - Influencing the genetic quality of gametes and embryos
  • Benjamin Tycko, Columbia University - Update on imprinted genes and fetal-placental growth
  • Siobhan Dolan, Albert Einstein - Genomics in preconception care: assessing risk
 Session IV: Environmental Influences
Moderator: Germaine Buck Louis, NICHD
  • Melissa McDiarmid, University of Maryland - Occupational exposure surrounding conception: when might it matter?
  • John Meeker, University of Michigan - Impact of environmental exposures on human semen quality and sperm DNA damage)
  • Warren Foster, McMaster University, Hamilton ON - Impact of environmental influences/exposures on egg function/physiology/biology
 Session V: Nutrition/Obesity/Micronutrients
Moderator: Marlene Goldman, Harvard University
  • Marlene Goldman, Harvard University - Optimal dietary status in couples trying to conceive: is there a role for antioxidant vitamins?
  • Carl Keen, UC Davis - Preconception nutrition/micronutrients
  • Katharine Wenstrom - Preconception folate supplementation
  • James Clapp, Case Western Reserve University - Exercise effects on reproductive health and the course and outcome of pregnancy
  • E. Albert Reece, University of Maryland - Diabetes induced embryopathy: opportunities for prevention
 Summary Remarks

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

 Session VI: Clinical Perspectives
Moderator: Carolina Reyes, LA Best Babies
  • Merry-K Moos, University of North Carolina - Preconceptional Health: From Science to Practice
  • Michael Lu, UCLA - How the life course perspective affects reproductive health
  • Anne Dunlop, Emory University - Toward improving reproductive outcomes: the rationale and evidence for interconception
  • Radek Bukowski, University of Utah - Preconception care after adverse pregnancy outcome
  • Robert Goldenberg, Drexel University - How infection before or surrounding conception affects reproductive health
  • Carol Hogue, Emory University - Reducing preterm births through improved pregnancy planning: research recommendations
 Session VII: Demographic and Socioeconomic Influences
Moderator: Jennifer Culhane, Drexel University
  • Richard David, University of Illinois - Impact of socioeconomic environment at birth on adult childbearing
  • Jennifer Culhane, Drexel University - Preliminary findings from the interconceptional care preterm prevention project: prevalence of risk factors and intervention participation rates
 Session VIII: Study Designs and Methodological Challenges
Moderator: Rajeshwari Sundaram, NICHD
  • Sam Posner, CDC - Public health research in preconception health and healthcare
  • Brian Jack, Boston University - Translational, behavioral and clinical research: getting preconception care into practice
  • David Dunson, NIEHS - Discovering patterns in pre- and post-conception multivariate and functional data
 Session IX: Future Research Directions and Recommendations
Moderators: Estella Parrott/NICHD, Uma Reddy/NICHD, Hani Atrash/CDC
 Concurrent Breakout Teams (4 teams) to Develop Future Research Recommendations
Breakout Team #1 (Sessions I and II)
Breakout Team #2 (Sessions III and IV)
Breakout Team #3 (Sessions V and VII)
Breakout Team #4 (Sessions VI and VIII)
 Plenary Session: Each Breakout Team to Present Future Research Recommendations for Discussion
 Closing Remarks


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