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Division of Clinical Services Development


Our Campuses:
  UC's five health sciences campuses include Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco
  Four affiliated programs are at Berkeley, Fresno, Riverside, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles
  More than 100 affiliations exists with Veterans Affairs, County and community-based health facilities throughout California

Our Health Sciences Program:
  Inpatient Acute Care: Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco
  Ambulatory Care: Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco
  Psychiatric Care: Langley Porter Hospital in San Francisco, Neuro-Psychiatric Instititute in Los Angeles
  Schools of Dentistry: Los Angeles, San Francisco
  Schools of Nursing: Los Angeles, San Francisco
  Schools of Pharmacy: San Diego, San Francisco
  School of Veterinary Medicine: Davis

Major Services:
  Major provider to uninsured and underinsured patients in Orange, Sacramento, and San Diego Counties
  Ranked second in the State as a provider of Medi-Cal services in California
  Operates Level I trauma centers in four of its five regions and staffs San Francisco General Hospital’s Level 1 trauma center
  Provide a vast array of telemedicine and telehealth technologies for sub-specialty review, teaching and research

Medical Centers Facts and Figures1:
  Licensed Beds 3,353
  Available Beds 2,928
  Discharges 137,864
  Patient Days 819,967
  Outpatient Visits 3,631,117
  Total Revenue $4.2 billion

Schools of Medicine Facts and Figures2:
  Students annually enrolled in Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Pharmacy and other health professions 12,000
  Medical Students 2,600
  Residency Training Programs 250-300
  Medical Residents 4,400
  Medical Resdients in Primary Care Specialities (FP, IM, Peds, PB/GYN) >50%


UC has the distinction of receiving six Nobel Laureates in medicine.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, remarkable advances in imaging that have contributed essential new research insights as well as powerful new diagnostic tools, were both invented at UC academic medical centers.

UC clinical research efforts have let to important discoveries including:

  Artificial lung surfactant for treating premature newborns
  Cochlear implants for hearing disorders
  The antibody Herceptin for the treatment of breast cancer
  The Nicotine patch
  A new class of proteins linked to "mad cow" disease and to certain types of human dementia
1Based on June 30, 2006 audited financial statements
2Department of Health Affairs at University of California Office of the President