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A Division Uniting All of Oklahoma

Oklahoma State University's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is dedicated to making available science-based information relevant to improving the quality of life for the people of Oklahoma. The Division is comprised of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and two state agencies: the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.

Division News

Plants need moisture during the winter months
Most gardeners do not give a second thought to turning on the hose or sprinkler to water their gardens during the hot summer months. However, when the cold winter wind is blowing, gardeners may not think about watering their gardens.
Winter Garden

Career opportunities are available in agriculture
Some students know the exact career path they want to take upon graduation, while others have no clue, while still other students know the career field they want to pursue but are not sure of actual job possibilities in that area.

Pecan management course offered by Oklahoma State University
Seasoned pecan growers or those who are interested in the industry should make plans to attend the 2009 Fundamentals of Pecan Management course hosted by Oklahoma State University.
Pecan Trees

Did You Know?

The Oklahoma Beef Quality Network certification process can earn Oklahoma beef producers annual profits of $1.3 million if just 1 percent of Oklahoma's beef inventory participate in the program.  In the past, producers have seen a $24 per head profit from the certification process.
Click here to read more about DASNR's impact on Oklahoma.

Thoughts from Dr. Whitson

Whitson mugshot

Welcome to OSU's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (DASNR). I hope our site can provide you with insight into the vast array of exciting and innovative things happening in all three branches of DASNR.

Thoughts from Dr. Whitson about....