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2007 Outstanding Participant Award

Ms. Amanda Ramirez
Citizen Band of Potawatomi Nation
Shawnee, Oklahoma

 Picture of Darrell Waldron, Amanda Ramirez, and Jeff Foster
L-R: Darrell Waldron (Presenter), Amanda Ramirez (Awardee), and Jeff Foster (Presenter)

Amanda Ramirez is a proud member of the Muscogee Creek Nation.  Her life has been full of great challenges, but through her personal commitment, she returned to school and is expecting to graduate from college in May 2007, with an Associates of Science degree.  She works hard so that her son and grandmother, whom she lost, would be proud of her.

Picture of Carol C. Levi, Margaret Zientek, 
and Amanda Ramirez
L-R: Carol C. Levi (CPN Employment & Training Director), Margaret Zientek (CPN "477" Director), and Amanda Ramirez

A few years ago, Amanda applied for educational assistance through the Citizen Band of Potawatomi Nation’s (CPN) Employment & Training Program.  She attended the Gordon Cooper Technology Center and attained certification in Office Management Technology.  CPN assisted Amanda with summer employment opportunities and supportive services.  Amanda participated in Summer Youth Exploratory work placement training and worked at the Nation’s Public Information Department and Clinic of Radiology.  Her interests now include a career as a radiologist and future employment with the Indian Health Service.

To complete her education in a timely manner, Amanda plans to attend summer school at the Oklahoma City
Picture of Amanda Ramirez, Margaret Zientek, and Carol C. Levi
L-R: Amanda Ramirez, Margaret Zientek, and Carol C. Levi
University and also transfer to the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center to begin working on a Bachelor of Science degree in Radiography. Amanda is Vice-President for the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, an honored recipient of the "Who's Who" Outstanding Merit and Accomplishment Award, a 2006 Indian Health Service Scholarship recipient, and a nominee for the Distinguished Chapter Member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society award.
Picture of Lorenda Sanchez, Carol C. Levi, and Amanda Ramirez
L-R: Lorenda Sanchez (Presenter), Carol C. Levi, and Amanda Ramirez

Amanda is also involved in community services projects for the American Cancer Society and other volunteer groups.  She is especially thankful for the support received from her Native community.  She plans to give back through her career with the Indian Health Service after she completes her degree.


Created: May 29, 2007
Updated: January 13, 2009