NSSDC Image Catalog

Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ is not intended to answer general questions about NASA photos or information about solar system bodies. These FAQs (for the sci.space newsgroups on usenet) are available at Ohio State University. URL: http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/space/top.html


  1. Can I use the images from NSSDC's Image Catalog or do I need to obtain permission from somebody first?
  2. I'd like to get a copy of these images as a photo product. How?
  3. Where can I find images of (insert whatever)?

  1. Can I use the images from NSSDC's Image Catalog or do I need to obtain permission from somebody first?

    All of the images presented on NSSDC's Image Catalog are in the public domain. As such, they may be used for any purpose. NSSDC does ask, however, that you acknowledge NSSDC as the supplier of the data. In addition, where the source of the image (by project or as a specific person) is credited in the text, you should also acknowledge that, too.

  2. I'd like to get a copy of these images as a photo product. How?

    Many of the images in the Image Catalog can be obtained from NSSDC either as a hardcopy photograph, transparency, or 35 mm slide. The photographs which can be so obtained have photo numbers (usually NASA press release, or PR, numbers) next to them. To order such photos, please contact our Coordinated Request and User Support Office. You should have the photo number of the images you want and the name of the mission for each photo.

    Some of the images are not available as a photo product at this time. Others are available on CD-ROM. These can generally be identified by the lack of a NASA Image ID number.

  3. Where can I find images of (insert whatever)?

    There are a number of reasons you might not have found what you're looking for in the NSSDC Image Catalog. First, the image(s) may not yet be available. Second, the image(s) may be available, but not (at least yet) from NSSDC. Third, it may be something which no one has suggested be put up. Lastly, it may be outside the province of NSSDC's responsibilities. In all cases, feel free to send your feedback and we'll try and address your concerns. However, you might also try first looking through the other sites to which the NSSDC Photo Gallery provides links. The list is not a comprehensive listing of all sources of images, but covers most of the areas we are asked about most frequently.

Other NSSDC FAQs of potential interest

* The NSSDC Planetary FAQ Page
* The NSSDC Earth FAQ Page
Version 1.0, 27 February 1996
Last Updated: 29 May 1996, GJM.