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Saturn SA-1



This was the first flight test of the Saturn 1 launch vehicle. The uncrewed suborbital flight used a Saturn 1 first stage to carry water-filled dummy upper stages to an altitude of 136.5 km and a downrange distance of 345.7 km. The flight accomplished its objective of verifying the aerodynamical and structural design of the Saturn 1 booster.

Alternate Names

  • Apollo SA-1 Test Flight

Facts in Brief

Launch Date: 1961-10-27
Launch Vehicle: Saturn 1
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral, United States

Funding Agency

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (United States)


  • Planetary Science

Additional Information

Experiments on Saturn SA-1

Data collections from Saturn SA-1

Questions or comments about this spacecraft can be directed to: Dr. David R. Williams.

Other Sources of Apollo Information at NSSDC

Apollo page
Lunar Science Page

Related Information at NSSDC

Moon page

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