National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA History Office

Apollo Program Summary Report

Note: the original hard-copy document was broken into ten pdf files for user-friendliness and full text search capability. However, each file is still ~4-6MB so please be patient with potentially long download times.

Part 1 (pages i to 2-28)
Part 2 (pages 2-29 to 3-21)
Part 3 (pages 3-22 to 3-65)
Part 4 (pages 3-66 to 4-12)
Part 5 (pages 4-13 to 4-62)
Part 6 (pages 4-63 to 4-115)
Part 7 (pages 4-116 to 7-1)
Part 8 (pages 7-2 to 9-4)
Part 9 (pages 9-5 to A-2)
Part 10 (pages A-3 to F-37)

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Updated November 1, 2002
Charles A. Brooks and Sivram Prasad, NASA History Office
Steve Garber, NASA History Web Curator
For further information E-mail