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Comparision of climate variables among different GCM scenarios

Presented below are the boxplots for the seven climate variables we have used in our model for the current and the 5 GCM scenarios.

Boxplots: The magenta colored box itself contains the 1st quartile, Q1 (lower boundary), the median (the black line),  the 3rd quartile, Q3 (the upper boundary) and the mean (the x symbol). The end of the whiskers (represented by the dotted line with a hat) has a standard span of 1.5*(Inter-Quartile Range) ie., 1.5 * (Q3 - Q1) - this would normally span the entire data ... however, if we have outliers that extend beyond this range, they are marked as individual lines.

Average Temperature, deg C

Comparison of Average Temperature (deg C) among GCM models and Current

July Temperature, deg C

Comparison of July Temperature deg C among GCMs

January Temperature, deg C

Comparison of January temperature (deg C) among GCMs

May-September Temperature, deg C

Comparison of May-Sept temperature (deg C) among GCMs

Precipitation (mm/yr)

Comparison of Precipitation (mm/yr) among GCMs

Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) (mm/month)
(NOTE: PET has been calculated using a different model for CURRENT, GISS and GFDL compared to HADLEY, UKMO and CCC - hence the difference. We intend to use a more current version of PET in our next version. Please note that we are not calculating the PET - we merely use models that already have).

Comparison of Potential Evapotranspiration (mm/month) among GCMs

Ratio of (July-August) Precipitation to PET:

Comparison of the ratio of July-Aug Precip to PET among GCMs