The Organic Center
Vegetable Production

Organic vegetable systems are often complex, including many vegetable varieties with plus rotations of fallow and cover crops to build the soil and reduce disease incidence.  A good farm plan includes many factors to take into consideration:

  • Soil type
  • Current state of soil
  • Your expectations of the crop
  • Rotations to deter the pests but also to build and balance the soil
  • Climate
  • Environment
  • Market expectations
  • Your market(s)
  • Resources at your disposal
  • Personal experiences and fellow farmers'
  • Most importantly, your skill

When starting an organic vegetable business you should:

  • Take at least a year to plan
  • Speak to those with the experience
  • Read to educate yourself
  • Attend educational sessions
  • Share your ideas with fellow farmers
  • Listen to responses
  • Attempt to incorporate ideas into a farm plan

Here are some information sheets to help you.  Click on the links to view the resources.

Planning your farm

Vegetable Crop Production Systems

Harvesting and Post Harvest Information