The Organic Center
Organic Weed Management

Read more on a variety of weed management strategies from these presentations and fact sheets.

Mechanical Weed Management

Cropping Practices Influence on Weeds

Influence of Soil Quality on Weeds

Managing Field Bindweed

Organic Management of Field Bindweed

Flaming as a Method of Weed Control

Organic Weed Management in Field Crops with Flaming by Erin Taylor

Organic Control of Broadleaf Weed Seed Germination and Establishment by Suzanne Lange

Culture and Cultivars For The Gardener, Bedding Plant Grower, Garden Center Supplier, and Direct Marketer: Growing Leafy Vegetables Page 4.
This publication discusses the characteristics of different lettuce, spinach, turnip, mustard greens, endive, and other leafy vegetable varieties that can be grown in Pennsylvania. It includes information on cultural practices, harvesting, weeds, disease and insect identification and control, and more.

Integrated Pest Management(IPA):Michigan State Sustainable Ag and Food Systems This website contains information on managing pests, weather information, publications and trainings, organization inks, and special IPA projects.