The Organic Center
Field Crop Production

This page contains resources from studies, bulletins, and other publications related to field crops.

Surplus? Add your name to the Organic Livestock Feed Suppliers Database.  This resource list helps organic livestock producers locate sources of organic formulated feed rations or feed ingredients. The database already includes a variety of feeds such as Alfalfa, Balage, Barley, Beet Pulp, Canola/Rapeseed, Corn, Flax/Linseed, Legumes/Peas, Oats,  Rye, Sesame Seeds/Meal,  Soybeans, Spelt, Sunflower Seeds/meal, Tritcale, and Wheat.

Suppliers of Seed for Certified Organic Production Database. This database provides sources for organic seed of both agronomic and horticultural crops.

Effect of Yields in Organic Systems.  Do organic crops produce higher yields than conventional crops?

Reducing Soybean Harvest Losses. Reducing harvest losses is a simple and effective way to increase soybean yield and profitability.

2006 Field Corn Yields by MSU. This is the results of the variety trials of many varieties of field corn.  For Organic varieties for your area seek ones that are NON GMO and suitable for your area in terms of duration, soil conditions, and your market.

Cover Crop Selections for Michigan.  This publication will offer you information to help you select appropriate cover crop varieties for your system.

Yields and grain quality related to soil nitrogen  This study investigated the responses of grain yield and quality and N-use efficiency.

Wheat Production and Marketing Organic Farming.  This information is beneficial to organic mixed farming enterprises that grow crops in rotation.

Seeding Practices for Michigan Grains.  This bulletin describes seed quality characteristics you can use when deciding on seeding practices for Michigan crops.

Perennial Wheat: A New Crop for Michigan? by Brook Wilke A new crop that can be used as a cover crop and for wheat production

Mid-Atlanic Regional Fruit Loop: is a cooperative World Wide Web presence for information on all aspects of deciduous tree fruit production in the mid-Atlantic region