The Organic Center
Cover Crops & Soil Building

Cover crops are used to build soil organic matter, break up hard pans, provide a ground cover to reduce erosion and offer competition to weeds.

Which cover crop species you grow depends on:
Purpose to grow the crop
    Erosion mangement
    Weed Competion
    Nitrogen contribution
    Deep root penetration
    Adding organic matter and carbon to the soil
    Provide a living multch for your next crop

What time of year are  you growing the cover
    Frost seeded (Feb or March)
    Spring/Early Summer

How you want to manage it to incorporate into soil
    Frost Killed
    Cultivate and incorporate
    Crimping to break stems to begin break down (no-till)

How long do you want it to grow
   Good cover over the winter
    Quick cover for early spring
    Short-term coverage in the summer
    Cover with opportunity to harvest for animals and organic matter

Click on Links for Cover Crop Resources

Highlights from the 2008 Vegetable Cover Crop Workshop (June 12, KBS)

Anne Verhallen from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, gave a great overview of cover crops' attributes in vegetable systems.

Mathieu Ngouajio, an Associate Professor of Horticulture here at M.S.U., taught us about biofumigant cover crops in his talk.

Darryl Warncke, a professor and extension specialist in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences here at M.S.U., gave a talk about nutrient management using cover crops.

George Abawi, a professor of Plant Pathology at Cornell University's New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, gave a presentation on cover crops' role in soil health and root disease management.

Daniel Brainard, an assistant professor of Horticulture here at M.S.U.,
spoke to us about cover crop mixtures for integrated weed and nitrogen managment.

The Cover Crops Program at the W.K. Kellog Biological State/Michigan State. The program focuses on integrating cover crops into Michigans feild crop systems. The goal for the site is to make information for reasearch avilable to farmers so they can make better crop cover dicisions on their farms. The link on the site contains information such as Michigan cover crop species, cover crops in cropying systems, organic field crop research, and other informational links.