Regulates commercial animal feeds,
including pet and specialty pet food
manufactured or distributed in Indiana

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Telephone: 765-494-1492
FAX: 765-494-4331
Mon-Fri, 8-5 p.m.

Office of Indiana State Chemist © Copyright - 2008
All Rights Reserved

What We Do:

The purpose of the Indiana Commercial Feed Law (IC 15-5-3) is many fold. First and foremost, is the assurance of a safe human food supply of meat, milk, and eggs, by assuring that animal feeds are safe. Inspections performed at feed manufacturing firms assure medications are used properly, feeds are free from adulterants or harmful contaminants, and that feeds are properly labeled for their intended use. Over 3,000 samples are collected and analyzed per year to assure they are free of contaminants and also were manufactured according to their labeling specifications.

Pet foods are also a high priority in the program. Many pets are on a certain feed or brand of feed for their entire life. Making sure those feeds are free of contaminants and formulated to meet the pet's nutritional needs, assures that our pet companions live long and healthy lives.

We work closely with other Indiana departments and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to assure our goals are met. Protecting the animal and customer purchasing the feed are the cornerstone of the program.

Commercial Feed License (Excel Format)
Commercial Feed License (PDF Format)
Pet & Specialty Pet Food Products List (Excel Format)
Pet & Specialty Pet Food Products List (PDF Format)
Commercial Feed Tonnage Report
Commercial Feed Law
Rules & Regulations
Mycotoxin Guidelines
Ingredient Protein
Indiana Commercial Feed Labeling Guide
Interstate Exclusion List - 2009
2005 Feed Inspection Report
2006 Feed Inspection Report
2007 Feed Inspection Report
Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Website
Summary of Feed Legislation in Various States & Canada (offsite)
What you need to know about Registration of Food Facilities (PDF Format)
[This document is from the FDA regarding Federal Feed Mill Registration]

"I Want to Make and Sell Pet Treats"
- by Robert Geiger, Feed Administrator
[Adobe PDF] format]
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