

  Sat October 11, 2008 8:59 UTC  

Model Graphics

This is still a work in progress, but we are working on adding more models, runs, and analyses each day! If you have any suggestions for charts that would be helpful, please do not hesitate to ask. Update: ** Previous and Next buttons have been added to the Still Image Pages. This will eliminate the need to keep returning to this page.

Jump to a model:     GFS | MRF | NAM | WRF

Change View:     STILL IMAGES


(Global Forecast System)

Surface (Thickness, MSLP, Precip, Sfc Wind)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

850 MB (Temp. C, Height, Winds, %RH)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

700 MB (Height, %RH, Winds)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

500 MB (Height, Absolute Vorticity, Winds)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

250 MB (Height, Wind Speed, Wind Divergence)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current


 (Medium Range Forecast Model)

Surface (Thickness, MSLP, 12 Hr Precip, Winds) 00Z
850 MB (Temp. C, Heights, Winds, %RH) 00Z
700 MB (Height, %RH, Winds) 00Z
500 MB (Height, Absolute Vorticity, Winds) 00Z
250 MB (Height, Wind Speed) 00Z


 (North American Mesoscale Model)

Surface (Thickness, MSLP, Precip, Sfc Wind)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

850 MB (Temp. C, Height, Winds, %RH)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

700 MB (Height, %RH, Winds)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

500 MB (Height, Absolute Vorticity, Winds)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current

250 MB (Height, Wind Speed, Wind Divergence)

00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z Current


 (Weather Research & Forecast Model Version 2)

The following WRF model output is provided to us by the Polar Meteorology Group, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University.   - Ohio WRF Information

Sea Level Pressure (hPa) Loop
500 mb Height (m)/Wind(m/s) Loop
6-hr Precipitation (mm) Loop

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