Some results on studies of HABs in Vietnam during HABViet Project, 1998-2000

Lam Ngoc Nguyen, National Institute of Oceanography, Cau Da 01, Vinh Nguyen, Nhatrang, Vietnam, Tel: (84-58) 59 04 76, Fax: (84 58) 59 00 34, E-mail:; Jacob Larsen, IOC Science and Communication on Harmful Algae, Botanical Institute, Øster Farimagsgade 2D, DK-1353, Copenhagen K, Denmark, Tel: (45 33) 13 44 46, Fax: (45 33) 13 44 47, E-mail:; Henrik Enevoldsen, IOC Science and Communication on Harmful Algae, Botanical Institute, Øster Farimagsgade 2D, DK-1353, Copenhagen K, Denmark, Tel: (45 33) 13 44 46, Fax: (45 33) 13 44 47, E-mail:; Nhu Hai Doan, National Institute of Oceanography, Cau Da 01, Vinh Nguyen, Nhatrang, Vietnam,Tel: (84-58) 59 04 76, Fax: (84 58) 59 00 34, E-mail:


A sampling programme was carried out during 1999 along the coast of Vietnam. A total of 500 samples including qualitative and quantitative samples were collected and analysed at the Vietnamese research institutions and the Centre in Copenhagen. Fifty-two species of potentially harmful micro algae belonging to Cyanophytes , Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, Raphidophytes, and Haptophytes were recorded. Only few of these species have been recorded previously from Vietnam. The species diversity in the Tonkin Gulf and in South Vietnam was low due compared to Central Vietnam. Quantitative studies were carried out in order to estimate the abundance and biomass of phytoplankton community in general as well as of the potentially toxic species.

A number of species including Alexandrium leei, A. tamarense Prorocentrum lima, P. mexicanum, Ostreopsis lenticularis, O. ovata, Coolia monotis, and Gambierdiscus toxicus have been isolated and are maintained in culture. Growth rates of Alexandrium leei and A. tamarense have been studied under different salinity regimes. Both species are low toxic (Kodama & Ogata, pers. comm.).

A monitoring programme in shellfish toxins and harmful algae for safeguarding sea products was also emplementing.

Keywords: HABs, Vietnam

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