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Substance Abuse
Substance abuse has a range of definitions related to disaproval over use or overuse of mood altering substances. These fall into four main categories: Substance abuse may lead to addiction or substance dependence. Medicaly, dependence requires the development of tolerance leading to withdrawal symptoms.
Xanax Addiction
- As one of the class of drugs benzodiazepines Xanax has been shown to be a dangerous drug to withdraw from. The reason that Xanax withdrawal is dangerous is that as a CNS depressant that slows neural activity in the brain when the drug is abruptly stopped brain activity can rebound and accelerate out of control. Prolonged Xanax users should not attempt to withdraw from the drug without medical supervision.
Residential Treatment is a level of care that entails that the client live (resides) within a treatment facility for a specified duration of care; most often 28 days. Residential Treatment Programs and Centers usually include group and individual therapy sessions and span the confinement continuum from open campus to lock down facilities.
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Welcome to Addictionsearch.com - Drug and Alcohol Addiction Research and Treatment Center Listings
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Your source for addiction related research on drug rehabs and alcohol treatment programs, treatment centers and rehabilitation information. Our resources provide comprehensive drug addiction treatment, drug and alcohol rehabs and substance abuse treatment research.
  drug rehab, drug treatment, addiction treatment Recent Articles
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  Long Term Addiction Treatment and Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Methods
Found in: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Substance abuse addiction is a complex disease which is characterized by many different components which need to be taken into account when trying to achieve recovery. Relapse to drug use can occur even after long periods of abstinence. This is why drug use is considered chronic, though it is a... read full article
  Gambling Addiction - What defines it? What drives it? and What the Expected Outcomes Are as a Result of It?
Found in: Gambling Addiction and Treatment
Everyone knows the premise of gambling. One goes into a casino to have a good time, spend a little money and go home. After all, one game of poker never hurt anyone. The issue is when one game turns into two, three, or four. The problem is, the house will always win and individuals addicted to... read full article
  drug rehab, drug treatment, addiction treatment Featured Resources Check resource archive!   drug rehab, drug treatment, addiction treatment  
  Nationwide Drug and Alcohol Rehab and Addiction Treatment Programs
This new resource is brought to you exclusively by addictionsearch.com and features over 70,000 records to find a drug rehab, alcohol rehab and addiction treatment program across the continental United States. A 24 hour toll free helpline is also available at 800-559-9503 for those seeking immediate assistance or guidance in finding the right drug or alcohol rehab program or treatment centers for themselves or a loved one.
  drug rehab, drug treatment, addiction treatment Featured Topic  
  Crystal Meth Addiction, Abuse and Treatment - Methamphetamine
This concise summary of the drug effects and recent governmental studies of crystal meth amphetamine use, abuse and addiction highlights information and research from National Institute of Drug Addiction (NIDA), Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG).
  drug rehab, addiction treatment, drug treatment Recent Blogs Check blogs archive!   drug rehab, addiction treatment, drug treatment  
  The Journey of Addiction and Life
There is no where to get to – the journey is all there ever is.   There are those who will tell you that you must have a destination.  I believe that if we are focused on a destination, we may become caught up in trying to get there and miss something –... read full blog
  Dopamine and Addiction
It is now clinically understood that the neurotransmitter Dopamine plays a central role in addiction. Most drugs of abuse, with the exception of benzodiazepines, have a direct effect on increasing the dopamine reward cycle in the brain.Once addicted the mere anticipation of getting high will... read full blog
  drug rehab, addiction treatment, drug treatment Past Articles
  Better Health and Addiction Recovery and Healthy Eating Habits
Found in: LifeStyle and Addiction
The United States is one the wealthiest nations in the entire world. This in theory should mean that the inhabitants of this great country are among the healthiest in the world as well. Unfortunately however, the correlation between these two variables does not imply causation. Americans as a whole... read full article
  The Symptoms of Addiction Withdrawal - Different Drugs, Different Dangers
Found in: Drug and Alcohol Detoxification
If an individual is using drugs and he or she decides to stop using, they can... right? Not really. Why, you ask. Quite simple. It can be summed up all in one word: withdrawal. Drug use is more than just a bad habit. Drug use is addictive not only because psychologically an individual feels... read full article
  Rapid Detox
Found in: Drug and Alcohol Detoxification
There have been substantial advances when it comes to understanding the biochemical and genetic basis for substance abuse and addiction over the past ten years. In spite of this knowledge very little information is disseminated in regards to alternative forms of detox treatment. One form of... read full article
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