Los Alamos National Laboratory

EAP retirement planning sessions returning

September 25, 2007

The Laboratory's Employee Assistance Program is again hosting informational sessions for workers considering or planning to retire.

The first one-hour session is scheduled for 10 a.m., October 10 in Room P280 of the Otowi Building.

"Transitioning Into Retirement: Your Road Map to Satisfaction, Happiness and Fulfillment," looks at non-financial aspects of preparing for a successful retirement, such as replacing work functions, making relationship adjustments, and selecting fulfilling leisure activities, according to Amy Anderson of EAP. Anderson is certified in retirement coaching.

A second session is scheduled for 1:15 p.m., October 16 also in Room P280. There is no cost to attend the sessions.

According to Anderson, attendees will learn how to create a personalized roadmap for success in retirement. Participants are encouraged to attend with their Laboratory or non-Laboratory significant other. Anderson and her husband, Stan Kosiewicz, co-facilitate the presentations. Kosiewicz retired from the Laboratory in 2005 and brings the voice of experience for the topics related to adjusting to retirement, she said.

Anderson recommends this presentation for anyone planning to retire in the next year or two. "Retirement planning often focuses only on financial planning, but it shouldn't end there. People who successfully transition into retirement consider what combination of activities will create a meaningful retired lifestyle that is based on their personal needs and motivators," said Anderson. "We are retiring earlier and living longer. With the average age of first retirement at 57, this means many of us will be in retirement for 20 to 30 years."

Call the Employee Assistance Program at 7-7339 to reserve a spot; each session is limited to 25 participants. More than 350 employees have attended prior sessions the past two years.

The Employee Assistance Program is part of Occupational Medicine (OM). For more information, contact Anderson at 7-7339.

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