Los Alamos National Laboratory

We're all human beings

July 31, 2008

Learning from mistakes focus of new Safety Short

Mistakes happen. How employees and an organization learn from them and implement measures to reduce or prevent a reoccurence is important. This is the focus of the newest Safety Short.

Safety Short is a series of timely, concise topics to help Laboratory employees stay safe at home and at work.

"This Safety Short -- Human Beings -- shows that making mistakes is part of being human, and one way we can take care of each other is by building a system that prevents mistakes or reduces the effects of mistakes," said Todd Conklin of the Environment, Safety, and Health Integration Office (ESH-OFF).

The Web-based Safety Short video is available online and can be presented during organizational safety meetings and Worker Safety and Security Team meetings.

For questions or suggestions regarding the Safety Short content or future topics, contact Rob Nicholas of the Industrial Hygiene and Safety (IHS) Division at safetyshort@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

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