Brigham Young University Homepage
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Location and Hours

Address and Telephone:

645 East 1430 North
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

Campus Map

(801) 422-5051 (Info)
(801) 422-5052 (Office/Scheduling)
(801) 422-0093 (Fax)


10 AM - 9 PM Mon - Fri
10 AM - 5 PM Sat
Closed Sunday


Monday: Reptiles at 6:30 and 7:30 PM
Tuesday: Adaptations at 7:30 PM
Wednesday: Utah Plants & Animals at 7:30 PM
Thursday: Ecosystems at 7:30 PM

Friday: Invertebrates at 7:30 PM
Reptiles at 1:00 PM


Private shows may be scheduled for groups at other times. Call (801) 422-5052 at least one week in advance.



Related Links

Museum News

- Friday, January 16, 2009


The Bean Life Science Museum now has an exhibits tour for small groups. Call 422-5052 to make a reservation.

Holiday & Special Closings

Holiday & Special Closings

The museum will be closed or have special hours during the holidays.

College of Life Sciences | Biology | Microbiology & Molecular Biology | Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science
Physiology & Developmental Biology | Plant & Wildlife Sciences | M.L. Bean Life Museum | Student Services
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 - (801) 422-3963 - Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved