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FMD Countries

Procedures And Requirements For Handling Horses Imported Into The United States From Countries Affected With Foot-And-Mouth Disease

The following procedures and requirements are effective immediately and apply to horses being imported into the United States from countries affected with Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD). These procedures are in addition to US Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations; Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations (9 CFR) and USDA guide sheets such as 1) USDA Guide Sheet for Horses, Which Includes all Equine, from Countries Affected with African Horse Sickness (AHS), 2) USDA Guide Sheet for Horses that Require a 3-Day Quarantine, and 3) USDA Guide Sheet for Horses that Require a 7-Day Quarantine.

A "Health Certification for Importation of Horses from Countries Affected with Foot and Mouth Disease into the United States" must be part of the documentation accompanying the animals. The official health certification must be endorsed by a full-time salaried veterinarian of the agency responsible for animal health of the national government of the exporting country of origin. Tack trunks/containers sent independently of the horses must be accompanied by a "Certification of Disinfection of Tack Trunks/Containers".

  • Within the five (5) days immediately prior to export, the horse(s) has not been on any premises or area quarantined or identified to be infected with FMD, nor has the horse(s) been in contact with animals that have been in a FMD quarantine area or on an FMD affected or quarantined premises.
  • Horses from countries where FMD exists and horses in contact with horses from these countries are required to be groomed to remove dirt and debris, and subsequently wiped, sprayed and/or sponged down with vinegar or a solution of 6.5 ounces of concentrated glacial acetic acid in 1 gallon of water or another approved disinfectant.  These procedures are to be performed in the exporting country prior to loading for departure and will be repeated upon arrival in the United States at one of USDA's Import Quarantine Facilities.
  • The horses' hooves are required to be cleaned in a manner that ensures the hooves are free of dirt, manure, and debris and then disinfected with a 4% sodium carbonate solution or another approved disinfectant.  This is to be performed in the exporting country prior to loading for departure and will be repeated upon arrival in the United States at one of USDA's Import Quarantine Facilities.
  • Prior to loading the horse(s), all crates and transportation vehicles shall be cleaned and disinfected. This is to be performed in the exporting country and upon arrival in the United States at USDA's Quarantine Facilities.  The carrier, broker, agent, or owner is required to provide for the cleaning and disinfecting of transport vehicles and crates under supervision of VS personnel.  The carrier and/or broker also shall make arrangements under the supervision of VS personnel to dispose of excess feed and manure aboard the aircraft and or at the quarantine facility.  These materials will be placed in bags for incineration.
  • Before leaving the exporting country, personnel accompanying the horse(s) must launder or dry clean their clothing and outerwear.  Footwear must be cleaned of all dirt and debris, and then disinfected.  Personnel must provide appropriate protective clothing (disposable or cloth coveralls and rubber boots).  Protective clothing will be disinfected or incinerated at the discretion of the USDA official.
  • Footwear of personnel accompanying the horse(s) shall be properly cleaned and disinfected. The method of disinfection is at the discretion of the USDA official.
  • Importers/brokers shall be informed to minimize equipment accompanying the animals.  Equipment shall be laundered, and/or cleaned of dirt, manure, debris, and hair prior to packing for shipment to the United States.  Tack trunks/containers must be accompanied by a certification of disinfection.  All equipment is subject to inspection and/or disinfection.

  • Any equipment (tack, blankets, sheets, leg wraps, etc.,) accompanying the horses shall be inspected and disinfected and/or incinerated at the USDA quarantine facility as a precautionary measure against the introduction of FMD.  This is at the discretion of the USDA official.


  • The horse(s) should not have direct or indirect contact with domestic or wild ruminants or swine for a minimum of five days from the day they entered the USDA quarantine facility.
  1. Health Certification for Importation of Horses into the United States from Countries Affected with Foot-and-Mouth Disease
  2. Certification of Disinfection for Tack Trunks/Containers

Last Modified: March 15, 2007