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Agent Name Carbaryl
Alternative Name Sevin
CAS Number 63-25-2
Formula C12-H11-N-O2
Major Category Pesticides
Synonyms 1-Naftylester kyseliny methylkarbaminove [Czech]; 1-Naphthalenol, methylcarbamate (9CI); 1-Naphthalenyl methylcarbamate; 1-Naphthol N-methylcarbamate; 1-Naphthyl N-methylcarbamate; 1-Naphthyl methylcarbamate; 1-Naphthyl-N-methyl-karbamat [German]; Arilat; Arilate; Arylam; Atoxan; Bercema NMC50; Bug master; Caprolin; Carbamic acid, methyl-, 1-naphthyl ester (8CI); Carbamine; Carbaril; Carbaril [Italian]; Carbarilo [INN-Spanish]; Carbarilum [INN-Latin]; Carbaryl; Carbaryl [ANSI:BSI:ISO]; Carbatox; Carbatox-60; Carbatox-75; Carbavur; Carbomate; Carpolin; Carylderm; Cekubaryl; Compound 7744; Crag sevin; Crunch; Denapon; Devicarb; Dicarbam; Dicarbament 23,969; Dyna-carbyl; Experimental Insecticide 7744; Gamonil; Germain's; Hexavin; Karbaryl [Polish]; Karbaryl [Polish]; Karbaspray; Karbatox; Karbatox 75; Karbatox zawiesinowy; Karbosep; Latka 7744 [Czech]; Menaphtam; Methylcarbamate 1-naphthalenol; Methylcarbamate 1-naphthol; Methylcarbamic acid, 1-naphthyl ester; Monsur; Mugan; Murvin; N-Methyl-1-naftyl-carbamaat [Dutch]; N-Methyl-1-naphthyl carbamate; N-Methyl-1-naphthyl-carbamat [German]; N-Methyl-alpha-naphthylcarbamate; N-Methyl-alpha-naphthylurethan; N-Methylcarbamate de 1-naphtyle [French]; N-Metil-1-naftil-carbammato [Italian]; NAC; NAC (VAN); NAC (insecticide); NMC 50; Noflo 5 vet; O-(1-Naphthyl)-N-methylcarbamat; OMS 29; OMS-29; Olititox; Oltitox; Panam; Pomex; Prosevor 85; Ravyon; Rylam; SOK; Savit; Seffein; Septene; Sevimol; Sevin; Sevin 4; Suleo; Tercyl; Toxan; Tricarnam; UC 7744; Union carbide 7,744; Vetox; Vioxan; alpha-Naftyl-N-methylkarbamat [Czech]; alpha-Naphthalenyl methylcarbamate; alpha-Naphthyl N-methylcarbamate; alpha-Naphthyl methylcarbamate; [ChemIDplus]
Category Carbamates
Description White or gray, odorless solid. [pesticide]; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses A wide-spectrum insecticide that is also used as a molluscicide and an acaricide; [EXTOXNET]
Comments Classified as "highly toxic," "moderately toxic" or "slightly toxic" depending on the formulation; [EXTOXNET] Allergic contact dermatitis in pesticide handlers is most likely due to maneb, carbofuran, carbaryl, captan, folpet, or captafol. [Marks, p. 312] Carbaryl causes testicular damage in high-dose animal studies. [ATSDR Case Studies #29]
Exposure Assessment
BEI Cholinesterase activity in red blood cells = 70% of individual's baseline, sample time discretionary
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Yes
TLV (ACGIH) 0.5 mg/m3, inhalable fraction and vapor
PEL (OSHA) 5 mg/m3
MAK 5 mg/m3, inhalable fraction
IDLH (NIOSH) 100 mg/m3
Vapor Pressure 1.36 x 10 -06 mm Hg
Reference Link International Chemical Safety Cards (WHO/IPCS/ILO)
Adverse Effects
Skin Sensitizer Yes
Reproductive Toxin Yes
Other Poison Carbamate
IARC Carcinogen Not Classifiable
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: CARBARYL  
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Last updated: September, 2008