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Agent Name Chlordecone
Alternative Name Kepone
CAS Number 143-50-0
Formula C10-Cl10-O
Major Category Pesticides
Synonyms 1,1a,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-Decachlorooctahydro-1,3,4-metheno-2H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalen-2-one; 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9,10,10-Dodecachlorooctahydro-1,3,4-metheno-2-cyclobuta(c,d)pentalone; 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,10-Decachloro( 2,6).0(sup 3,9).0(sup 5,8))decano-4-one; 1,3,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalen-2-one, 1,1a,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-decachlorooctahydro-; 2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,7a,8,8a-Decachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-methanoinden-1-one; Chlordecone; Ciba 8514; Clordecone; Compound 1189; Decachloro-1,3,4-metheno-2H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalen-2-one; Decachloroketone; Decachlorooctahydro-1,3,4-methano-2H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalen-2-one; Decachlorooctahydro-1,3,4-metheno-2H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalen-2-one; Decachloropentacyclo(,6).0(3,9).0(5),(8))decan-4-one; Decachloropentacyclo( 2,6).0(sup 3,9).0(sup 5,8))decan-4-one; Decachloropentacyclo( 2,6).0(sup 4,10).0(sup 5,9))decan-3-one; Decachlorotetracyclodecanone; Decachlorotetrahydro-4,7-methanoindeneone; GC 1189; General chemicals 1189; Kepone; Kepone-2-one, decachlorooctahydro-; Merex; Perchloropentacyclo(,6).0(3,9).0(4,8))decan-5-one; [ChemIDplus]
Category Organochlorine Pesticides
Description Tan to white, crystalline, odorless solid. [insecticide]; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Formerly used as an insecticide; Base material for the manufacture of kelevan; [HSDB]
Comments In the past, workers in a manufacturing plant developed "Kepone shakes" with tremor, weakness, and slurred speech. Abnormal liver function tests were also seen. [Sullivan, p. 1078-9] Workers had decreased sperm counts. There is strong positive data and limited negative data that chlordecone causes fetal loss in animals. [ATSDR Case Studies #29]
Restricted In 1975 the sole manufacturer of Kepone in the U.S. was ordered to terminate production. [Sullivan, p. 1048-9]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Bioaccumulates Yes
Vapor Pressure 3 x 10 -07 mm Hg
Explanatory Notes NIOSH REL = 0.001 mg/m3;
Reference Link ATSDR - ToxFAQs - Mirex and Chlordecone
Adverse Effects
Hepatotoxin Hepatotoxin, Secondary
Reproductive Toxin Yes
Other Poison Organochlorine Pesticide
IARC Carcinogen Possible Carcinogen
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: KEPONE  
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Last updated: January, 2009