NSGIC logo National States Geographic Information Council

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The National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) is an organization committed to efficient and effective government through the prudent adoption of geospatial information technologies (GIT). Members of NSGIC include senior state geographic information system (GIS) managers and coordinators. Other members include representatives from federal agencies, local government, the private sector, academia and other professional organizations. A rich and diverse group, the NSGIC membership includes nationally and internationally recognized experts in geospatial information technologies, data creation and management as well as information technology policy.


NSGIC provides a unified voice on geographic information and technology issues, advocates State interests, and supports its membership in their statewide initiatives. The Council actively promotes prudent geospatial information integration and systems development. NSGIC reviews legislative and agency actions, promotes positive legislative actions, and provides advice to public and private decision-makers. NSGIC members are actively involved in the coordination and application of geospatial technologies in their States. They are often at the forefront of GIS and information technology innovation. Many are top-level managers who recommend specific hardware and software purchases or define GIS procurement policies for their jurisdiction. These State GIS coordinators exert a great deal of influence on geospatial policies and resource development in their States.


NSGIC is particularly concerned with creation of intelligent maps and databases that enable public and private decision makers to make better informed and timelier decisions in a wide array of governmental areas. NSGIC also supports the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) as the technology, policies, criteria, standards and people necessary to promote geospatial data sharing throughout all levels of government, the private and non-profit sectors, and the academia. Geospatial technology can affect such diverse areas as:
  • Homeland Security
  • Emergency management and emergency response
  • Economic development
  • Health and human services
  • Environmental protection and management
  • Facilities management
  • Parcel appraisal and assessment
  • Education
  • Transportation Planning
  • Natural resource management

GIS and geospatial data are rapidly becoming primary tools in government and the private sector because they provide visual, integrated, intelligent, analytical, and cost-effective solutions in support of these diverse areas. In addition, GIS can reduce or eliminate redundant work within and between units of government, providing operational efficiencies, and economies of scale in data collection, information handling and distribution.

A Common Thread

The implications of GIS technology and data are profound. Location is the single thread that is common to all data. In the not-too-distant future, nearly every governmental unit will adopt geographic or location-based database schemes to tie governmental information systems together for improved data administration. Simply put, GIS can enhance the usefulness of data and return on investment in public information. NSGIC advocates the benefits of geospatial technologies and data that can only be realized through intergovernmental and private sector cooperation, coordination, collaboration and partnerships.

Benefits of NSGIC Membership

Communications: Members are eligible to participate in NSGIC's Member and State Representative Listservs. All members are listed in NSGIC's membership directory (updated annually), and receive a complimentary copy.

Partner & Liaison Opportunities: NSGIC members participate in liaisons between The Council and more than two dozen agencies and partners.

Conferences: The hallmark events of the NSGIC calendar year are the two conferences which bring members, sponsors and partners together to address issues and opportunities. NSGIC holds a Spring Midyear Conference in the Washington, DC area focused on federal government activities; and a Fall Annual Conference in a host state focused on state and local activities of NSGIC members.

State Coordination: NSGIC assists member states in strengthening their coordination programs through its States Coordination Model. Annual surveys are conducted among all 50 states to summarize activities and share data.

Policy Development: NSGIC is increasingly recognized for its contributions toward the development of national geospatial policy. NSGIC members have been requested to participate in many committees and the input is highly valued. NSGIC seeks to make sure the needs and concerns of its member states continue to be heard and addressed at the national policy level. As a unified body, NSGIC can better serve as one voice for all states.

Peer-to-Peer Monitoring and Outreach: NSGIC members provide valuable information and experiences to their peers across state lines on topics as diverse as standards development, job classifications, proposal development, and many other issues.

For more information on membership, sponsorship or partnership opportunities, visit our website at www.nsgic.org or contact Diane Vaughnley, Association Coordinator, at (443) 640-1075 or diane@ksgroup.org.

Copyright © 2009 National States Geographic Information Council