Panoramic View of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

PNS Submarine Collage


Proud of our past...
Ready for the future

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard's primary mission is the overhaul, repair and modernization of LOS ANGELES Class submarines. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard provides the U.S. Navy's nuclear powered submarine fleet with quality overhaul work in a safe, timely and affordable manner. This includes a full spectrum of in-house support--from engineering services and production shops, to unique capabilities and facilities, to off-site support--all of which serves the multifaceted assortment of fleet requirements. With the commissioning of the VIRGINIA Class submarine, USS NEW HAMPSHIRE (SSN 778) in 2008, the Shipyard and the Seacoast Communities got their first look at the next generation of submarine technology and the future of ship repair. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard will perform the first availability on the new class of submarine when USS VIRGINIA (SSN 774) arrives in 2010. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is focused on servicing the needs of the Fleet and remains "Proud of our past . . . Ready for the future."

Official website of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

Military Members and Families relocating to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Team extends a warm welcome to our military and their families. We are proud of your service and we are dedicated to providing you a full range of quality support services from housing to child care. Please click on the link above for more information regarding the range of programs available at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.

Captain Robert Mazzone took command of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
July 12, 2007.


Shipyard Safety Program

At Portsmouth Naval Shipyard safety is the highest priority. The ShipyPNS VPP Logoard implemented the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). The program encourages active union, management and employee participation in safety initiatives. Portsmouth Naval Shipyard has been recertified as a VPP "Star" Site and was the first Navy activity to be so honored. The Shipyard has introduced the VPP Passport Program and continues to promote safety both on and off the worksite.

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard's Commitment to the Environment

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is committed to being a good steward of the environment. The Shipyard's goal is to be in full compliance with all regulatory requirements and to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment through pollution prevention and conservation efforts. The Shipyard will develop and maintain environmental goals and specific objectives to meet those goals in the most cost-effective manner. The Shipyard will accomplish this by promoting a culture in which each employee is aware of the potential environmental impacts of their operations and their responsibility to continuously improve those operations with the environment in mind.
As a good steward of the environment, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard recovered a two acre tidal salt marsh wetland where there was once a landfill. Click here for more information.

PNS Environment

Shipyard memorial honors those lost at sea
Squalus memorial
Disaster struck on May 23, 1939 when the Portsmouth submarine, USS SQUALUS sank off the Isles of Shoals during sea trials (approximately 12 miles from the Shipyard) in 240 feet of water because the main induction valve failed to close. The USS SCULPIN, a sister ship of SQUALUS, located SQUALUS on the bottom and rescue vessels and workers began to pour in from Boston, New London, and Washington. The McCann Rescue Chamber was rushed from New London and the first of the survivors were brought to the surface on May 24. After several attempts and much trouble, SQUALUS was finally raised on September 13 and towed to the Shipyard. She was put out of commission two months later, rebuilt and recommissioned as USS SAILFISH just a year after she had sunk. The bridge and conning tower of SAILFISH (shown here) are now at the Shipyard as a memorial to the 26 officers and men lost on SQUALUS. For more Shipyard history, click on our History link on this page.

This is an official U.S. Navy web site

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