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SBIR and STTR Topics and Subtopics

NASA issues annual program solicitations that set forth a substantial number of R/R&D topics and subtopic areas consistent with stated agency needs or mission. Both the list of topics and the description of the topics and subtopics are sufficiently comprehensive to provide a wide range of opportunity for Small Business Concerns (SBC) to participate in NASA research or R&D programs. Topics and subtopics emphasize the need for proposals with advanced concepts to meet specific agency R/R&D needs.

Proposal Preparation and Instructions

2008 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

2007 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

2006 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

2005 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

2005 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

2004 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

2003 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

2002 SBIR/STTR Topics and Subtopics

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Curator: Samidha Manu
NASA Official: Carl G. Ray

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