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Welcome to the SOLAS Metadata Portal

This portal provides a quick and easy means by which to identify datasets (within the entire record collection of the Global Change Master Directory) that may be of interest to members of the SOLAS scientific community and beyond.  The metadata records provide basic information about where, when, how and by whom each dataset has been collected.  In addition (and most importantly) they provide details about who (e.g. data centre, institute, specific scientist) to contact if you are interested in getting hold of and using the dataset.

The overall meta-database has a huge number of different metadata records. Clicking on "Find Datasets By Topic" will take you to a page where you can carry out pre-defined searches of the entire meta-database and hopefully identify datasets of interest. However, you may prefer to search using the Free Text box (found at the bottom of the Topics page) for a specific project, data originator, etc. Once you have made your initial search, the results can be further refined either by category (a drop down menu) or by free text.

If you are only interested in metadata records generated directly by SOLAS, then follow the link to All SOLAS-Generated Records

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