Maine Lobster Council Yumm great tasting lobster. click tab to view.Yumm great tasting lobster. click tab to view.

The World's Finest Lobster Comes from Maine

Tasty lobster for the entire family

You've reached the official website of the Maine Lobster Council, and have we got delicious lobster recipes, lobster cooking tips and dozens of sources of Maine lobster for you!

Delicious Because It's Wild Maine Lobster

The Maine coast is an ideal habitat for the world's finest lobsters, offering cold clean water, a rocky coast and an abundant diet of crabs, mussels, sea urchins, clams and other ocean delicacies.  Learn about lobsters.

A Sustainable Resource

Maine Lobster harvesters know that by protecting the Maine Lobster resource today they are protecting their livelihood and this valued ecosystem for tomorrow. Learn more about sustainable Maine lobster.

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Lobster Maine-ia

Boothbay Harbor lobster dealers and harvesters came together to sell lobsters and used proceeds to fund marketing efforts.  Special thanks to these Boothbay dealers: Atlantic Edge Lobster, Boothbay Lobster Wharf, Bristol Lobster, Robinson's Wharf and Sea Pier.
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Lobster harvester Erica Davis
Erica Davis
Wearing waterproof overalls, Erica is almost 20 and seems confident at the helm. She buys her bait, often herring that ripens quickly, and sells her lobsters at the same place: Watson's Lobsters in Cundy's Harbor.