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Training Proposal
Sample Plain Language Training Proposal with the NIH Training and Development Branch (TDB)
Goal: To provide our employees with the tools needed to write documents in plain language in accordance with the June 1, 1998, Presidential Initiative and the Guidelines for Plain Language at NIH. Participants will be provided with a basic understanding of:
* The advantages of and requirements for using Plain Language
* The definition of Plain Language (e.g., reader-focus)
* The breadth of writing covered by the Plain Language Initiative (e.g, articles, consent forms, reports, grant application forms, manuals, memos and letters, brochures, Web sites, etc.)
* The dynamic interaction between the text and the design of documents
* The array of evaluation and usability testing methods
* The plain language resources available.
Participants will specifically be trained to:
* Answer your reader's questions
* Avoid confusing and wordy language
* Include only necessary details
* Use active voice
* Use personal pronouns such as “we” and “you”
* Use short sentences and paragraphs
* Use tables, lists, and other easy-to-read design features.
Parameters: We anticipate a total of 25-30 participants to be taught in two separate sessions of 12-15 each. Classes will be held on the main NIH campus at a location to be determined by the point of contact, _________[name]. The 2-day class will be customized for the type of writing performed by our office.
TDB Commitment:
* TDB will provide a qualified instructor with experience teaching classes in plain language.
* We reserve the right to interview prospective instructors to determine suitability for the assignment (costs may vary slightly depending upon choice).
* We will provide work samples to the instructor and/or TDB well in advance if we choose to have the course custom-tailored (additional fees may apply).
* TDB may locate/schedule appropriate classroom space or we may handle this responsibility.
Estimated Costs:
* $ 3,450 per session or $6,900 for two sessions of 12-15 each
* The prices include customized course design, instruction, materials, class coordination, and procurement. If we choose to use one of TDB classrooms, it will cost an additional $150 per day.

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Last updated: April 18, 2003