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ISSN: 1080-6059

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Volume 12, Number 8–August 2006


Correction, Vol. 12, No. 4

In "Potential Arbovirus Emergence and Implications for the United Kingdom" by Ernest A. Gould et al., an error occurred. The first paragraph of the article incorrectly states that African horse sickness virus is circulating in Europe. The sentence should read "Finally, the family Reoviridae contains a variety of animal arbovirus pathogens, including bluetongue virus, which is currently circulating in Europe, and African horse sickness virus, which has been found in Europe but is not currently circulating."

The corrected text appears in the online article at


Correction: Vol. 12, No. 6

In "Coccidioidomycosis as a Common Cause of Community-acquired Pneumonia," by Lisa Valdivia et al., an error occurred in the next-to-last paragraph of the Discussion section. The fourth sentence of the paragraph should read "By using these entry criteria, we found that 3 of the 12 patients with valley fever who underwent radiographic examination had normal radiographs, which is consistent with results of a previous study (3), but did not adhere to Infectious Diseases Society of America or American Lung Association definitions of pneumonia (19)."

The corrected text appears in the online article at


Correction: Vol. 12 No. 7

In "Migratory Passerine Birds as Reservoirs of Lyme Borreliosis in Europe," by Pär Comstedt et al., an error occurred in the second sentence of the first paragraph of Acknowledgments. The sentence should read "This is report no. 214 from the Ottenby Bird Observatory."

The corrected text appears in the online article at


Correction: Vol. 12, No. 7

In "Human West Nile Virus Infection, Catalonia, Spain" by Domingo Bofill et al., an error occurred in the final paragraph of the article. The sentence incorrectly states that 20% of cases of West Nile virus infection are asymptomatic. The sentence should read "The probable WNV infection described was asymptomatic, as occurs in ≈80% of cases."

The corrected text appears in the online article at

We regret any confusion these errors may have caused.


Comments to the EID Editors

Please contact the EID Editors at

This page posted July 19, 2006
This page last reviewed July 19, 2006

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