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4.3 Function Names and Variable Datatypes

Most of the CFITSIO routines have both a short name as well as a longer descriptive name. The short name is only 5 or 6 characters long and is similar to the subroutine name in the Fortran-77 version of FITSIO. The longer name is more descriptive and it is recommended that it be used instead of the short name to more clearly document the source code.

Many of the CFITSIO routines come in families which differ only in the data type of the associated parameter(s). The data type of these routines is indicated by the suffix of the routine name. The short routine names have a 1 or 2 character suffix (e.g., 'j' in 'ffpkyj') while the long routine names have a 4 character or longer suffix as shown in the following table:

    Long      Short  Data
    Names     Names  Type
    -----     -----  ----
    _bit        x    bit
    _byt        b    unsigned byte
    _sbyt       sb   signed byte
    _sht        i    short integer
    _lng        j    long integer
    _lnglng     jj   8-byte LONGLONG integer (see note below)
    _usht       ui   unsigned short integer
    _ulng       uj   unsigned long integer
    _uint       uk   unsigned int integer
    _int        k    int integer
    _flt        e    real exponential floating point (float)
    _fixflt     f    real fixed-decimal format floating point (float)
    _dbl        d    double precision real floating-point (double)
    _fixdbl     g    double precision fixed-format floating point (double)
    _cmp        c    complex reals (pairs of float values)
    _fixcmp     fc   complex reals, fixed-format floating point
    _dblcmp     m    double precision complex (pairs of double values)
    _fixdblcmp  fm   double precision complex, fixed-format floating point
    _log        l    logical (int)
    _str        s    character string

The logical data type corresponds to `int' for logical keyword values, and `byte' for logical binary table columns. In other words, the value when writing a logical keyword must be stored in an `int' variable, and must be stored in a `char' array when reading or writing to `L' columns in a binary table. Inplicit data type conversion is not supported for logical table columns, but is for keywords, so a logical keyword may be read and cast to any numerical data type; a returned value = 0 indicates false, and any other value = true.

The `int' data type may be 2 bytes long on some old PC compilers, but otherwise it is nearly always 4 bytes long. Some 64-bit machines, like the Alpha/OSF, define the `short', `int', and `long' integer data types to be 2, 4, and 8 bytes long, respectively.

Because there is no universal C compiler standard for the name of the 8-byte integer datatype, the fitsio.h include file typedef's 'LONGLONG' to be equivalent to an appropriate 8-byte integer data type on each supported platform. For maximum software portability it is recommended that this LONGLONG datatype be used to define 8-byte integer variables rather than using the native data type name on a particular platform. On most 32-bit Unix and Mac OS-X operating systems LONGLONG is equivalent to the intrinsic 'long long' 8-byte integer datatype. On 64-bit systems (which currently includes Alpha OSF/1, 64-bit Sun Solaris, 64-bit SGI MIPS, and 64-bit Itanium and Opteron PC systems), LONGLONG is simply typedef'ed to be equivalent to 'long'. Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0 does not define a 'long long' data type, so LONGLONG is typedef'ed to be equivalent to the '__int64' data type on 32-bit windows systems when using Visual C++.

A related issue that affects the portability of software is how to print out the value of a 'LONGLONG' variable with printf. Developers may find it convenient to use the following preprocessing statements in their C programs to handle this in a machine-portable manner:

#if defined(_MSC_VER) /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
          printf("%I64d", longlongvalue);
#elif (USE_LL_SUFFIX == 1)
          printf("%lld", longlongvalue);
          printf("%ld", longlongvalue);

Similarly, the name of the C utility routine that converts a character string of digits into a 8-byte integer value is platform dependent:

#if defined(_MSC_VER) /* Microsoft Visual C++ */
      /* VC++ 6.0 does not seem to have an 8-byte conversion routine */
#elif (USE_LL_SUFFIX == 1)
          longlongvalue = atoll(*string);
          longlongvalue = atol(*string);

When dealing with the FITS byte data type it is important to remember that the raw values (before any scaling by the BSCALE and BZERO, or TSCALn and TZEROn keyword values) in byte arrays (BITPIX = 8) or byte columns (TFORMn = 'B') are interpreted as unsigned bytes with values ranging from 0 to 255. Some C compilers define a 'char' variable as signed, so it is important to explicitly declare a numeric char variable as 'unsigned char' to avoid any ambiguity

One feature of the CFITSIO routines is that they can operate on a `X' (bit) column in a binary table as though it were a `B' (byte) column. For example a `11X' data type column can be interpreted the same as a `2B' column (i.e., 2 unsigned 8-bit bytes). In some instances, it can be more efficient to read and write whole bytes at a time, rather than reading or writing each individual bit.

The complex and double precision complex data types are not directly supported in ANSI C so these data types should be interpreted as pairs of float or double values, respectively, where the first value in each pair is the real part, and the second is the imaginary part.

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