HGTV's Greenhome

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  • Florida, Here We Come!

    Find out why we love the site location, Port St. Lucie.

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  • A Touch of Spanish Style

    View the artist’s rendering of HGTV Green Home 2009.

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  • Green Talk

    Got a tip or suggestion? Gab with us on the blog.

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  • Florida, Here We Come
  • A Touch of Spanish Style
  • Green Talk

Building Green

Don't miss a single moment! gives you a behind-the-scenes look at Green Home 2009 construction.


HGTV Green Home 2008

HGTV has taken green mainstream! Tour every room, see the outdoor spaces and get green design tips.

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HGTV Green Home's Blog

Get the up-to-date scoop on the HGTV Green Home.

January 8, 2009

Cool Green Trends

What green trends are picking up steam in '09? I spent a bit of time scouring the wWeb to see what folks are buzzing …

December 18, 2008

Easy Being Green?

Hey folks. How are you doing? I know things have been a bit quiet on the blog front as we ramp up for Green Home ’09.…

December 9, 2008

New Blog Coming Soon!

You may have noticed the “All-New” postings on the site in recent days. We’re working on a…

November 25, 2008

Floor Plan for HGTV Green Home 2009

You’ve been asking for it, waiting for it … finally, the time has arrived. Presenting the finalized floor…

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