Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos NewsLetter to be distributed this week

November 21, 2006

The biweekly hard-copy Los Alamos NewsLetter for the week of November 20 is scheduled to be in mailboxes and newsstands this week.

Initially, the concept seems too incredible to be possible - train a common honeybee to physically respond to the distinctive smell of specific explosives, then develop a method for measuring or observing that response in order to use the bee's reaction to the smell of explosives as a natural explosives detector. As incredible as it may seem, Laboratory scientists recently created such a detector under the Stealthy Insect Sensor Project. Read about this on Page 1.

Laboratory Director Mike Anastasio recently updated the state Laboratory Legislative Oversight Committee on security, the budget, and other issues during a meeting in Santa Fe. On Page 2, readers will find photos from the event.

Los Alamos scientists are developing a powerful new computer model to study subsurface processes in Earth. On Page 3, read about the model, called PFLOTRAN, which will enable geoscience researchers to obtain more accurate predictive capabilities for the movement of underground contaminants. Also on Page 3 are stories on the Laboratory's new Security in Action Web site and how Protection Technology Los Alamos officers are increasing the frequency of inspections of Laboratory employees exiting Lab facilities and property.

On Page 4, readers will find a story on the Laboratory's new Los Alamos Postdoc Association and a listing of recently issued patent awards. Page 5 of this week's issue has coverage of the Laboratory's Veterans Day activities, important information about improper disposal of items in wastewater, and a story on a recently created Web site that contains information on the Security Perimeter Project operations.

Pages 6 and 7 contain newsmakers, service anniversaries, Los Alamos NewsLetter's feedback feature called "So … what do you think?" and more; and the spotlight on Page 8 features Lab employee Lisa Dougherty of Structure/Property Relations (MST-8). Dougherty recently published her first book, "The Concertmaster: Lure of the Stringed Siren."

Employees can access the Los Alamos NewsLetter at http://www.lanl.gov/news/newsletter/lanl_archive.shtml online or obtain additional copies at the bright blue distribution boxes throughout the Lab. Organizations receiving too many or not enough should call the mailroom at 7-4166. If your organization's administrator is not putting the newsletter in your mailboxes, please encourage him or her to do so.

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