Los Alamos National Laboratory

Fiscal year 2008 award fee for LANS announced

December 11, 2008

Los Alamos National Security, LLC earned 88 percent of the overall available award fee for fiscal year 2008 from the National Nuclear Security Administration.

The agency also gave LANS a one-year contract extension to manage and operate the Laboratory.

The fee award and contract are based on an NNSA assessment of LANS's performance in fiscal year 2008, according to a NNSA news release. Performance expectations for the assessment period were established in the fiscal year 2008 Performance Evaluation Plan. The review period was October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008.

"We're pleased that the report reflects significant improvement for this year. We consider this our 'report card' for the year, and it is tied to both our reputation in Northern New Mexico and how Laboratory employees 'gauge' how their Laboratory is doing. This is an evaluation by a demanding customer that we respect," Deputy Laboratory Director Jan Van Prooyen said.

According to NNSA, Los Alamos National Security, LLC "has made strides to improve contractor operations, modernize business practices, and instill desired behaviors and values during fiscal year 2008, while maintaining outstanding performance in NNSA's core mission areas."

"This report confirms significant improvement, and that is a direct reflection of the creativity and commitment of the Laboratory's employees with strong support from our parent companies," said Van Prooyen. "We have a very good relationship with the NNSA both here in Los Alamos and in Washington D.C. with very good teamwork, communication, and a disciplined, rigorous process for making sure we are accomplishing [the Laboratory's] and NNSA's goals."

NNSA said improvement is needed in maintenance programs and project management. Environmental programs continued as a challenging area for LANS.

Read the full news release.

Read NNSA's fiscal year 2008 Performance Evaluation Report.

 Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA   
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