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Volume 9, Number 8, August 2003

Molecular Characterization of a Non–Babesia divergens Organism Causing Zoonotic Babesiosis in Europe

Barbara L. Herwaldt,* Simone Cacciò,† Filippo Gherlinzoni,‡ Horst Aspöck,§ Susan B. Slemenda,* PierPaolo Piccaluga,‡ Giovanni Martinelli,‡ Renate Edelhofer,¶ Ursula Hollenstein,# Giovanni Poletti,‡ Silvio Pampiglione,‡ Karin Löschenberger,¶ Sante Tura,‡ and Norman J. Pieniazek*
*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; †Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy; ‡University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; §Clinical Institute of Hygiene of the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; ¶University of Veterinary Medicine of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; and #University Hospital for Internal Medicine I, Vienna, Austria

Figure 1.
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Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree for the complete 18S rRNA gene from selected Babesia spp. The tree was computed by using the quartet puzzling maximum likelihood method of the TREE-PUZZLE program and was oriented by using Theileria annulata as the outgroup. Numbers at the nodes indicate the quartet puzzling support for each internal branch. Scale bar indicates an evolutionary distance of 0.01 nucleotides per position in the sequence. Vertical distances are for clarity only. The GenBank accession numbers for the sequences used in the analysis are as follows: Babesia bigemina A, X59604; B. bovis, L19077; B. caballi, Z15104; B. divergens (Purnell isolate [12]), AY046576; B. gibsoni (genotype Asia 1), AF175300; B. odocoilei (Brushy Creek and Engeling isolates [14]), AY046577; Babesia sp. (isolated from Bos taurus), U09834; EU1 (the etiologic agent of infection in the two cases described here), AY046575; and Theileria annulata, M64243.


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This page last reviewed July 11, 2003

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention