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Letters are listed in reverse chronological order by year.


SR 99-37 (SUP)
Risk Management and Valuation of Retained Interests Arising from Securitization Activities
SR 99-33 (SUP)
Interagency Policy Statement on External Audits of Banks With Less Than $500 Million in Total Assets
SR 99-32 (SUP)
Capital Treatment for Synthetic Collateralized Loan Obligations
SR 99-31 (SUP)
Extended Examination Cycle for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks
SR 99-29 (SUP)
Submission of Documents to the Central Document and Text Repository in Support of the Banking Organization National Desktop
SR 99-26 (SUP)
Interagency Guidance on High Loan-To-Value Residential Real Estate Lending
SR 99-25 (SUP)
Minimum Documentation Standards for Loan Line Sheets
SR 99-24 (SUP)
Loan Write-Up Standards for Assets Criticized During Examinations
SR 99-23 (SUP)
Recent Trends in Bank Lending Standards for Commercial Loans
SR 99-22 (SUP)
Joint Interagency Letter on the Loan Loss Allowance
SR 99-18 (SUP)
Assessing Capital Adequacy in Relation to Risk at Large Banking Organizations and Others with Complex Risk Profiles
SR 99-17 (SUP)
Supervisory Ratings for State Member Banks, Bank Holding Companies and Foreign Banking Organizations, and Related Requirements for the National Examination Data System
SR 99-16 (SUP)
Change to Investment Rules Affecting Supervision Staff
SR 99-15 (SUP)
Risk-Focused Supervision of Large Complex Banking Organizations
SR 99-13 (SUP)
Recent Developments Regarding Loan Loss Allowances
SR 99-8 (SUP)
Uniform Rating System for Information Technology
SR 99-7 (SPE)
Supervisory Guidance Regarding the Investment of Fiduciary Assets in Mutual Funds and Potential Conflicts of Interest
SR 99-6 (GEN)
Subprime Lending
SR 99-3 (SUP)
Supervisory Guidance Regarding Counterparty Credit Risk Management
SR 99-1 (SUP)
Interim Regulatory Reporting and Capital Guidance on FAS 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities"

SR Letters 2000 1998