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Letters are listed in reverse chronological order by year.


SR 90-38 (FIS)
The Comprehensive Thrift and Bank Fraud Prosecution and Taxpayer Recovery Act of 1990
SR 90-33 (FIS)
Information Sharing with the Federal Home Loan Banks
SR 90-32 (FIS)
Sharing of Inspection Reports and Other Supervisory Information with the Office of Thrift Supervision
SR 90-31 (FIS)
Bank Holding Company Funding from Sweep Accounts
SR 90-26 (FIS)
Examination and Inspection Reports
SR 90-23 (FIS)
Questions and Interpretations Relating to the Implementation of the Risk-Based Capital Framework
SR 90-22 (IB)
Policy Statement on the Use of "Points" in Settling Foreign Exchange Contracts
SR 90-21 (IB)
Rating System For International Examinations
SR 90-20 (FIS)
Bank Holding Company Funding and Liquidity
SR 90-19 (FIS)
Sale of Uninsured Debt Obligations and Securities Issued by Bank Holding Companies, Nonbank Affiliates, or State Member Banks on Retail Banking Premises
SR 90-16 (FIS)
Implementation of Examination Guidelines for the Review of Asset Securitization Activities
SR 90-12 (STR)
Infrastructure Reviews for Banking Organizations Seeking Expanded Securities Underwriting and Dealing Powers
SR 90-8 (SA)
Inspection Procedures for "Section 20 Subsidiaries"
SR 90-3 (IB)
Foreign (Non-US) Currency Denominated Deposits Offered At Domestic Depository Institutions
SR 90-1 (IB)
Examination of State Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks for Compliance with Regulations Related to Government Securities Activities

SR Letters 1991