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Letters are listed in reverse chronological order by year.


SR 08-12
Revisions to the Guide to the Interagency Country Exposure Review Committee (ICERC) Process
SR 08-10
Regulatory Capital Impact of Losses on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Preferred Stock
SR 08-9 / CA 08-12
Consolidated Supervision of Bank Holding Companies and the Combined U.S. Operations of Foreign Banking Organizations
SR 08-8 / CA 08-11
Compliance Risk Management Programs and Oversight at Large Banking Organizations with Complex Compliance Profiles
SR 08-7 / CA 08-10
Interagency Examination Procedures for the Identity Theft Red Flags and Other Regulations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
SR 08-6 / CA 08-8
2008 Hurricane Season and Supervisory Practices Regarding Affected Banking Organizations
SR 08-5
Processing of De Novo Bank Membership Applications
SR 08-4
Qualification Process for Advanced Approaches Risk-Based Capital Framework Implementation
SR 08-3
FFIEC Business Continuity Planning Booklet
SR 08-2 / CA 08-2
Statement to Financial Institutions Servicing Residential Mortgages on Reporting Loss Mitigation of Subprime Mortgages
SR 08-1 / CA 08-1
Communication of Examination/Inspection Findings

SR Letters 2009 2007