Los Alamos National Laboratory

Deputy Director Mitchell to retire from Lab

December 5, 2006

Deputy Laboratory Director John Mitchell is retiring from the Laboratory at the end of the month. In a message to employees Monday, Mitchell said he plans to spend more time with his family and "concentrate on the next phase of my life."

He thanked employees for their hard work and dedication, especially during the transition to Los Alamos National Security, LLC as the new management and operations contractor, and said Lab employees' service to the nation and the Lab are "unmatched and you have much to be justifiably proud of."

Mitchell said: "Your unswerving commitment to this Laboratory, and the nation, is evident in the outstanding work performed here."

He added, "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at [the Laboratory] and will always be thankful for the opportunity to share in both the history and the future of the Lab. I am truly convinced that, even though the road will have some hills and potholes, the Lab is headed for a bright future and will continue to be the pre-eminent national security science laboratory in the country for another sixty plus years."

Laboratory Director Mike Anastasio lauded Mitchell for his service to the Laboratory. "John's personal participation in the LANS contract proposal was vital to the ultimate success of the LANS team. Similarly, John's leadership at the Laboratory has significantly contributed to our future as a great national security science Laboratory," he told employees in a message. "Please join me in wishing John the best in his retirement and in thanking him for his contributions to LANS, the Laboratory, and the country."

Anastasio said Jan Van Prooyen, principal associate director for operations (PADOPS) will be acting deputy Laboratory director effective December 15, while Vann Bynum will serve as acting principal associate director for operations.

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