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Science: Centers: IGPP



Q. I was considering a proposal with a colleague at a university, however there is a requirement for some form of matching support from the university. What kinds of matching support would be acceptable?

A. IGPP would accept any form of an in-kind contribution, e.g., time committed by the university's PI which is not charged to IGPP or a waiver of some of the overhead for the graduate student or postdoc.

Q. Is tuition covered under these grants?

A. Some universities have started to request some tuition support. In order to do so the university will have to request in-state tuition rates and contribute with some other forms of in-kind contribution. IGPP will not pay out-of-state tuition rates.

Q. Can a non-faculty member (soft money researcher) of a university supervise and mentor a graduate student?

A. A soft money researcher at a university can be a PI as long as the university contracts and grants office has no problem with it. They must have approval from the chairperson.

Q. Is there an average amount of time that graduate students spend at Los Alamos? (e.g., Is two weeks too few, or six months too long?)

A. There is no 'average' time. Typically, in the past students have stayed here between one to six months, per year.

Q. Can applications for travel money include some money for fieldwork that is pertinent to the questions addressed by the proposal?

A. Yes.

Q. The call for proposals states: "Acceptable forms of matching support are the same as, but not restricted to, those accepted by the National Science Foundation or other Federal research funding agencies. " What are examples of other forms of matching support that are accepted?

A. An example would be time by the faculty PI that is dedicated to the project. Also waiver of overhead and tuition are other possibilities.

Q. If or when the university waives the overhead, is that the matching support?

A. Waiving overhead or an equivalent contribution would be sufficient.

Q. Could I make a proposal request for a greater page length?

A. It would be better to stick to the page length required.

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