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Required Capacity Building and Training Activities FAQ Main Page   home
  Composition of Grant Activities  
  The SGA indicates that proposals should include both capacity building and training activities. Should proposed funds be split evenly between the two activities?    

The SGA specifies that a component of the proposed grant amount must be direct training costs. Though no split is explicitly mandated, the CBJTG program was designed to both build community colleges' training capacity and train additional students; applicants should not favor one component to the exclusion of the other. For reference, direct training costs include, but are not limited to, faculty and support staff salaries and benefits, classroom space, and supplies used as part of the training course that remain the property of the school following a student's completion of the course.  

  Many of our students are eligible for Pell Grants.  Does the grant have to pay the entire tuition of students?  
  Grantees are strongly encouraged to leverage other resources to cover part or all of the tuition costs for the students.  Possible sources of leveraged resources for tuition include, but are not limited to, Pell Grants, student loans, and employer tuition reimbursement.  Please note, grantees must track and report performance outcomes on any individuals trained using grant dollars, either in whole or in part.  Where grant dollars are combined with other leveraged resources to cover tuition for an individual being trained, that individual must be tracked for purposes of performance as well.   
  Can I charge tuition to any students taking classes operating under the grant?   

Grantees may charge tuition and related training costs to students enrolled in the training program whose tuition is not covered by the grant; however, the leveraging of resources described above is strongly encouraged.  

  Eligible Training Providers  
  Who are eligible training providers under CBJTGs? Can the grantee subcontract with the local One Stop Operator, universities, K-12, or Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Centers to do the training?  

Community and technical colleges are the required training providers under Community-Based Job Training Grants, regardless of the applicant, with the exception of rural areas and other educationally underserved communities with no reasonable access to community colleges.  Under the exception, public Institutions of Higher Education that award 2 or 4 year degrees are eligible applicants and would be the training provider under those applications.  Alternate Educational Entities, who are also eligible under the exception, are required to specify one or more community college(s) where capacity building and training activities will occur under the grant.  Please see section III(C)(5) of the SGA for more details.  ETA encourages applicants to be creative in integrating partner resources and expertise into the training plan.  For example, a business partner may provide a qualified instructor to the community college; the community college may provide on-site training for workers to take advantage of business-loaned equipment; the training may be provided jointly; or the training may utilize technology-based distance learning alternatives as well as blended learning, which combines self-paced and instructor-led interactions.  See 72 Fed. Reg. 44581- 44582 (August 8, 2007). 

  The SGA indicates that training activities must lead to a credential.  Does the credential have to be an associate’s degree?   
  No. Training under Community-Based Job Training Grants may lead to a variety of credentials, provided the credentials are industry-recognized and indicate a level of mastery and competence in a given field or function.  The credential awarded to participants upon completion should be based on the type of training provided through the grant and the requirement of the targeted occupation, and should be selected based on consultations with industry partners. In cases where training provided under Community-Based Job Training Grants leads to a degree after the grant program is over, the credential required will be college credit for each course leading to an Associate’s or Applied Associate’s degree.  Additional examples of appropriate credentials are provided in the SGA at 72 Fed. Reg. 44577 (August 8, 2007).  
  The SGA states that grantees must track common measures as part of their outcomes.  What are the common measures that need to be tracked?  

For trainees, the common measures that should be tracked are:


  1. Entered employment
  2. Employment retention
  3. Average earnings


  1. Placement in employment of education
  2. Attainment of a degree of certificate
  3. Literacy or numeracy gains

  A detailed description of ETA’s Policy on Common Measure can be found in the Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 17-05 ( 
A basic list of Common Measures is provided as attachment A to the TEGL (  Applicants are strongly encouraged to review these documents prior to submitting applications under this Solicitation. 
  Are there additional outcomes that need to be tracked?  

Yes. The Common Measures provide only part of the information necessary to measure CBJTGs successes effectively. Grantees will also be required to report the number and types of credentials awarded to trainees, if appropriate, and the number of individuals placed in employment related to training. Additionally, grantees must report the number of individuals participating in training activities that are in any part the number of individuals participating in training activities under the grant regardless of the source of the funds paying for the training activities.

Applications must include projections of the number and type of credentials to be awarded and, if appropriate, the number of individuals placed in employment related to training. Please note that CBJTG recipients may also have additional outcome measures appropriate to their project. 

For capacity building activities, grantees will be required to report, on a quarterly basis, the status of all capacity building activities under the grant; how the activity is linked to the specific training supported under the grant; and, if appropriate, the impact of the capacity building activity, including the exact methodology with operational parameters of how the impact measure is calculated. Further, applicants must include a projection of the impact that the capacity building activities will have in the long-term (beyond the life of the grant) on the number of individuals trained by the college in the program areas enhanced by the grant.  

  If I were to receive a grant, what happens to the outcome projections listed in my application?  
  All outcomes and outcome projections provided in the application will become part of the project’s statement of work as the baseline goals for the grant, should the application be funded.  It is not ETA’s intent to renegotiate performance outcomes after grant awards are made.  Applicants should note that proposals are evaluated based on outcomes, per the evaluation criteria in Section V(4)(A) of the SGA.  
  Does ETA track these outcomes after grant awards are made?  
  On a quarterly basis, ETA will collect data from CBJT grantees on spending, program activities, participants, and all outcomes necessary to convey the full and accurate information on the performance of grantees and the program in general to policymakers and stakeholders.  Please note, ETA has published in the Federal Register a report format for Grantees under the High Growth Job Training Initiative and Community-Based Job Training Grants entitled:  “High Growth and Community-Based Job Training Grants: General Quarterly Reporting Forms & Instructions.”  This report format contains all of the above referenced outcomes, as well as other outcome categories, and was open for viewing and public comment through July 30, 2007.  To view the entire proposed reporting package, including a link to the Federal Register, visit:
ETA strongly encourages applicants to review the proposed report format to ensure that they will be able to track and report on the information required. 
  I am training incumbent workers.  What common measures should be tracked?  
  For incumbent workers, employment retention and average earnings are the appropriate common measures to track.  
  Are there minimum standards (minimum percentages) for the Common Measures?  
  The SGA does not specify any minimum standards for the common measures that grantees must meet.  
  How will community colleges access UI wage records to back up common measure requirements?  

Grantees awarded under this SGA will not be required to use UI wage records as the sole data source for reporting outcomes on program trainees if the grantees do not have access to such records.  In such cases, use of supplemental data is acceptable in tracking common measures.  Sources of supplemental data include case management notes, automated database systems, One-Stop operating systems’ administrative records, surveys of participants, and contacts with employers.  Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 17-05 provides additional guidance on allowable data sources for implementing common measures (  ETA encourages applicants to partner with their local workforce investment system, particularly One-Stop Career Centers, who have substantive experience in tracking the outcomes of program participants and have access to UI Wage Records.  One-Stop Career Centers may coordinate, provide support, or manage the tracking training recipients for the performance management aspect of the CBJTG. 

  A critical element in the SGA is replication of successful models for broad distribution.  What does this mean grantees will have to do  
  ETA is currently pursuing an aggressive national dissemination strategy for grant products that focuses on widely distributing grantee tools, models, and products through a network of stakeholders including education and industry partners, and the public workforce system.  The products and tools developed through the CBJTGs, including curriculum, competency models, distance learning tools, career awareness and outreach materials, research, case studies, career lattices, creation of industry skill centers, and Web sites, will be part of this dissemination strategy.  CDs with available products will be developed and distributed to appropriate education, workforce, and business and industry association partners.  All of these products will also be available online at  CBJT grantees are required to submit to ETA products developed with grant funding; these products will be included in ETA’s dissemination strategy.  


Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 12, 2009