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Leveraged Resources FAQ Main Page   home
  What are the match requirements under the grant? Will a high percentage of "leveraged resources" documented in the proposal improve a proposal's competitiveness?  

The SGA does not require matching, cost sharing, or other financial contributions from the applicant or any collaborative partners in the proposal nor will proposals be directly evaluated on the amount of leveraged resources.  However, leveraging resources is a critical element (critical element number four on page 44578 of the SGA) of Community-Based Job Training Grants.  Applicants are encouraged to leverage resources in the context of the strategic partnership because it increases stakeholder investment in the project at all levels and broadens the impact of the project itself.  Leveraging may directly affect an applicant's scoring with regard to the 5 bonus points available for applicants that demonstrate integration of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training funds into grant activities.  

ETA will award 5 bonus points to applications that demonstrate with evidence the integration of WIA training funds into grant activities.  Examples of WIA training funds include, but are not limited to, Individual Training Accounts, customized training, and Career Advancement Accounts, as applicable.  To receive 5 bonus points, applicants must provide a detailed description of the role of Workforce Investment Act training resources in the CBJTG project that includes:  1) the type of WIA training funds leveraged; 2) the dollar amount leveraged; 3) the workforce system partner involved; 4) the role of the resources in the project; and 5) the impact of the Workforce Investment Act training funds.  An example of 5-point description is:  “The One Stop Career Center will leverage from its WIA resources $X in ITA's for our CBJTG project   The impact will be that the One-Stop Career Center will assess and refer a minimum of X candidates for training and provide them with ITA's for training under the CBJTG.”  This information should also be included in the letter of commitment from the workforce system partner.  No bonus points will be awarded to applicants for simply stating that WIA funds will be integrated into the project.  See 72 Fed. Reg. 44587 (August 8, 2007). 

Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 12, 2009