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Contact Points
Executive Secretariat Staff
Name Title Phone, Fax
Ann Brewer Director Phone: (301) 496-1461
Fax: (301) 496-8276
Lisa Marshall Deputy Director Phone: (301) 496-1461
Fax: (301) 496-8276
Tom Gill Senior Policy Analyst Phone: (301) 496-1461
Fax: (301) 496-8276
Program Analysts
Name Workload Assignments Phone
Kathy Abel Deputy Director's e-mail, Deputy Director's invitations, Deputy Director's briefings and draft remarks (when assigned by ES), ARAC and NIH Steering Committee correspondence support for Deputy Director, NEO, OPASI, and ACD (Advisory Committee to the Director, NIH) (301) 402-9128
Ann Brewer Plain Language Initiative, managing Event Information Calendar, and Secretary's invitation vetting process (301) 496-3976
Betty Canning Director's courtesy notes and back-up on Director's e-mail, OMA, and Congressional Reports (301) 496-3967
Natalie (Nikki) Doherty and Teresa Flaim CIT, NCCAM, NIAID, NINDS, OAR, ODExO, OFM, OLPA, ORFDO, ORS, and OTT (301) 594-1476 - N. Doherty; (301) 496-3970 - T. Flaim
Mollie Fletcher CSR, FIC, NEI, NHGRI, NIA, NIBIB, NIDCR, NIGMS, NINR, NLM, OA/OALM, OFACP, SRSA, and Plain Language Initiative (301) 594-1359
Tom Gill Director's briefings, Director’s invitations, and Director's and Deputy Director's announcements (301) 496-3977
Michelle Whitfield NCI and NCI/L, NHLBI, NIDDK, CCR, OEODM, OGC, and Director's Invitations (301) 402-0384
Lisa Marshall NIH Director, NCMHD, OCPL, ODP, OGC/Ethics, OIR, OSMP, Director's talking points/remarks, and back-up on the Secretary's Forecast and RCC Report (301) 496-3830
Leslie Twyman OER, OHR, OM, OSP, SR ADV-CD, Public Access-specific items, Secretary's Forecast and RCC Report, Secretary's Milestones Report, and Director’s e-mail (301) 496-3960
Lynne Williams Archival NIH Director and Deputy Director e-mail (301) 496-3964
Technical Information Specialists
Name Phone
Richard Mandel (301) 496-3969
Yvette Melvin (301) 496-5163
David Porter (301) 496-3971
Kevin Porter (301) 594-9290
Dorise Powell (301) 496-3970
Norma Rivera (301) 496-3968
Support Staff
Name Phone
Lynne Williams (301) 496-3964
Nikisha Reid (301) 496-3965
Tiffany Vanzego (301) 496-3972
Tierra Matu (301) 496-1461

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Last updated: October 15, 2007