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Controlled Correspondence Electronic Document Management System (eFlow) Communications with Congress Signature of the NIH Director on Certificates NIH Director's Official Files
NIH Director's Official Files
The Executive Secretariat (ES) maintains the official files for the NIH Director, which include correspondence addressed to the NIH Director, responses that are signed by the NIH Director, and some other documents signed by the NIH Director.

Although our primary mission is to serve the NIH Director, these files contain documents that are also of interest to:

* Offices throughout the NIH,
* Congress and congressional oversight committees,
* the courts,
* historians and graduate students, and
* private citizens through Freedom of Information Act Requests.

To learn more about how we conduct extensive searches in the NIH Director’s files you may review our Guidelines for Document Searches.

While we are pleased to serve a variety of users, we would like to remind you that a request for a document is best directed to the office that maintains the official file for the document.

Some documents for which the official file location is elsewhere at the NIH or the Department of Health and Human Services include:

* responses to correspondence addressed to the NIH Director that are signed by someone other than the NIH Director,
* individual personnel actions,
* Federal Register notices, and
* major NIH reports, briefing books and materials, investigative reports, organizational changes, committee management documents, and other significant documents generated in offices other than the immediate office of the NIH Director.

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Last updated: April 18, 2003