Haughton-Mars Project

The animated image above is from the HMP Research Station - A moon and Mars analog.

October 27, 2008

The Mars Institute is seeking applications for a position on the Haughton-Mars Project (HMP): Logistics Manager

Application Deadline (Electronic Submission Only): Friday, 21 November 2008, 5:00 pm PST.

Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Notifications will be made by email within 1 week of the deadline. Interviews will be by invitation only and will take place in downtown Vancouver, BC on Saturday, 29 November 2008.

August 23, 2008

Dr. Pascal Lee (Director, HMP / NASA Ames, Mars Institute, SETI Institute) talks about the 2008 field season with the Haughton-Mars Project.

Video by Elaine Walker (EPO, HMP, Mars Institute)
Copyright 2008 Mars Institute

August 22, 2008

Marcelo Vazquez (NSBRI, Space Radiation Liason) talks about a number of research projects he was involved with this field season for the Haughton-Mars Project.

Video by Elaine Walker (EPO, HMP, Mars Institute)
Copyright 2008 Mars Institute

If all goes well today the last of the HMP 2008 participants will leave Resolute today headed south to their various homes. It's been our longest and best field season ever with an incredible amount of research conducted in a short time. We still have many reports and images to post so keep coming by for a visit.

As one field season comes to an end, the cycle will begin shortly to prepare for next year. In the meantime there are a loose ends that need completing.

Thank you for tuning in to our activities. More to come.

August 20, 2008

Scott Thackrey, a planetary geologist from the University of Aberdeen, talks about his research on Devon Island for the Haughton-Mars Project.

Video by Elaine Walker (EPO, HMP, Mars Institute)
Copyright 2008 Mars Institute

About the Haughton-Mars Project

The Haughton-Mars Project (HMP) is an international interdisciplinary field research project centered on the scientific study of the Haughton impact structure and surrounding terrain, Devon Island, High Arctic, viewed as a terrestrial analog for the Mars.

The rocky polar desert setting, geologic features and biological attributes of the site offer unique insights into the possible evolution of Mars - in particular the history of water and of past climates on Mars - the effects of impacts on Earth and on other planets, and the possibilities and limits of life in extreme environments.

In parallel with its Science program, the HMP supports an Exploration program aimed at developing new technologies, strategies, humans factors experience, and field-based operational know-how key to planning the future exploration of the Moon, Mars and other planets by robots and humans.

The HMP is managed and operated by the Mars Institute with support from the SETI Institute. HMP-2008 is our 12th field season.

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