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The International Network on Participatory Irrigation Management (INPIM) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Washington, DC. INPIM's mission is to make irrigation systems sustainable by supporting institutional reforms that promote greater involvement and increased capacity of farmers, water users associations, and other private stakeholders. INPIM was founded in 1995, and for its first four years, the organization's secretariat was hosted by the Economic Development Institute (EDI, now the World Bank Institute, WBI), the training arm of the World Bank. INPIM works closely with the World Bank and other development organizations, both public and private, which are active in the irrigation sector.

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INPIM serves as a central resource center for Participatory Irrigation Management and is actively involved in the exchange of people, ideas, and information. The network's membership is composed of over 1000 irrigation professionals: engineers, farmers, academicians, consultants, etc. from over 40 countries. INPIM publishes a semi-annual newsletter in addition to a website, In April 2003, INPIM organized the highly successful sixth International Seminar on Participatory Irrigation Management in Beijing, China.  INPIM is supported through a Grant from the Netherlands Government.

The INPIM Secretariat in Washington acts as the coordinating arm of INPIM, offering assistance in the planning and execution of local chapter activities. During 1999, INPIM helped to broker a Ford Foundation grant of $160,000 to the national chapters in India and Nepal. This grant has allowed the Nepal chapter to organize a national seminar, and has provided funds to IndiaNPIM to staff a small secretariat office which undertakes a variety of activities, including conducting training and workshops, and publishing a newsletter, books, and a CD-ROM. 

One of the major tasks that INPIM has set for itself is to enter into partnerships with agencies and National Chapters to vigorously promote PIM, which in many cases could be a vehicle to initiate broader reforms in the irrigation sector. In the near future, INPIM, in partnership with the World Bank Institute, plans to:

  • Conduct an Advanced Course on Capacity Building for Participatory Irrigation Management in Hyderabad in January 2001 for participants from South Asia

  • Conduct and coordinate an Electronic Conference on participatory irrigation management early next year.

  • Develop training materials on participatory irrigation management

  • Initiate new country chapters in Pakistan, Nepal, Vietnam, and Egypt.

  • Conduct the Sixth International Seminar on Participatory Irrigation Management.

  • Participate, as an example of best practice, in an international workshop on water, education, and training organized by UNESCO, UNDP, IHE-Delft, and the World Bank Institute (Delft, The Netherlands, May 2001).

  • Embark on a systematic campaign to sensitize the international donor community on the benefits and potential of PIM

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