Current BISTI Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs)

The following section contains information on active NIH and BISTI Consortium research and training opportunities in bioinformatics.

BISTI Funding Announcements

Investigators with research goals that conform to the NIH mission and which have a preponderance of effort in computing may benefit from applying to the broad-based FOAs. This guarantees that the application for funding is tagged with the high-profile BISTI program, and is an important tag which is used to assign the application to appropriate review meetings, potential funding Institutes and Centers, and finally program staff who can advise investigators. Of course, investigators can also apply to the broad NIH parent announcements (R01: PA-07-070, R21: PA-06-181).

Biomedical Informatics and Computational Biology Announcements Related to the NIH Roadmap and Neuroscience Blueprint

Other Active NIH Announcements of Relevance to Computational Biology

Active NIH Bioinformatics and Related Training Opportunities