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The following are animtions of instruments on OSTM/Jason-2. If you are interested in using any of these, please be aware of the JPL Image Use Policy.

OSTM/Jason-2 Instrument Animations
Animation of all 5 of the OSMT/Jason-2 instruments working together.
All OSMT/Jason-2 instruments - this shows the exchange of data between all of the instruments, other satellites and the ground systems.

MPEG-4 (1.2 MB) |  MPEG-4 (4.8 MB)
QuickTime (3.7 MB) | QuickTime HD (9.6 MB)
Animation of OSMT/Jason-2 altimeter
Poseidon-3 altimeter

MPEG-4 (960 Kb) |  MPEG-4 (3.5 MB)
QuickTime (3.3 MB) | QuickTime HD (6.3 MB)
Animation of OSMT/Jason-2 AMR instrument
Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR)

MPEG-4 (940 Kb) |  MPEG-4 (3.4 MB)
QuickTime (1.9 MB) | QuickTime HD (3.8 MB)
Animation of OSMT/Jason-2 DORIS instrument

MPEG-4 (932 Kb) |  MPEG-4 (3.5 MB)
QuickTime (2 MB) | QuickTime HD (5.1 MB)
Animation of OSMT/Jason-2 Laser Retroreflector Array (LRA) instrument
Laser Retroreflector Array (LRA)

MPEG-4 (900 Kb) |  MPEG-4 (3.5 MB)
QuickTime (1.8 MB) | QuickTime HD (4.6 MB)
Animation of OSMT/Jason-2 GPSP tracking system

MPEG-4 (900 Kb) |  MPEG-4 (3.5 MB)
QuickTime (1.8 MB) | QuickTime HD (4.6 MB)

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