GILS Record -- Campus-Based System (CBS)

Campus-Based System
Acronym: CBS

Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Education
Major Organizational Subdivision: Office of Postsecondary Education
Minor Organizational Subdivision: Student Financial Assistance Programs
Minor Organizational Subdivision: Program Systems Service
Name of Unit: Campus-Based Program Systems Division

Campus-Based Programs are a set of three Federal student aid programs that are administered directly by postsecondary schools. Schools apply for funds directly to the Department of Education and then make awards to students. The three Campus-Based student aid programs are:

The Campus-Based System (CBS) processes schools? applications for funds under the FSEOG, FWS, and Perkins programs. CBS produces award letters and obligates funds to schools. It also processes loan cancellation payments to schools.

CBS provides software maintenance for support of application, processing, obligation, and the reporting of funds awarded for the three Campus-Based Programs. CBS also supports the payment of Perkins Loans canceled due to teacher, military, and volunteer service.

Agency Program:
The Campus-Based Programs are authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act.

Sources of Data:
The data come from the Fiscal Application and Fiscal Operations Report that postsecondary schools fill out in order to apply for Campus-Based funds as well as Department calculations to award funds to those schools.

Access Constraints:
Direct access to the system is limited to authorized ED staff. The database of institutional applications and awards is available to the public.

Use Constraints:

For additional information on the system contact the individual listed below.

Point of Contact for Further Information

Name: D?Arcy Jones
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Campus-Based Systems
Street Address:400 Maryland Avenue SW
ZIP Code: 20202
Country: USA
Telephone: 202-708-8843
Fax: 202-260-5501
Network Address:
Hours of Service: 8:00 a.m. ? 4:00 p.m. EST M-F


Distributor Name: D?Arcy Jones
Organization: U.S. Department of Education, Campus-Based Systems
Street Address: 400 Maryland Avenue SW
City: Washington
State: DC
ZIP Code: 20202
Country: USA
Telephone: 202-708-8843
Fax: 202-260-5501
Network Address:
Hours of Service: 8:00 a.m. ? 4:00 p.m. EST M-F
Order Process: Contact the individual named above.

Control ID:

Record Source:
Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Education
Major Organizational Subdivision: Office of the Chief Financial and Chief Information Officer
Minor Organizational Subdivision: Office of the Chief Information Officer
Name of Unit: Information Technology Investment and Capital Planning Group

Date of Last Modification:
1998 03 09

ED GILS home page

This page last updated on November 24, 1998 (lvb).