A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

April 23, 1996

Dear Colleague:

In our continuing efforts to recognize excellence in education, I am pleased to invite your application for the first awards the U.S. Department of Education proposes to make later this year for model professional development. This awards program responds to the suggestions of many professional organizations and practitioners that the Department identify model professional development efforts across the pre-K - 12 spectrum, and that it do so on the basis of the enclosed Mission and Principles of Professional Development. As you already may know, the Department developed this statement of Mission and Principles based on analysis of the best available research on exemplary practice and after discussion among a wide range of education constituents.

It is clear, however, that to best inform and improve practice and policy, we also need specific examples of high-quality professional development strategies that reflect the Mission and Principles. Therefore, the Department is collaborating with a wide range of professional organizations to recognize and share lessons learned from successful efforts through a National Awards Program for Model Professional Development. I encourage both public and private schools and districts across the country with professional development practices that align with the Principles to apply for recognition.

The most important criterion for eligibility is evidence of improved student learning and increased teacher effectiveness. Our goal is to identify a wide variety of successful pre-K - 12 professional development efforts that are aligned with the Mission and Principles of Professional Development. Information on how to apply is enclosed. You will see that we made the application process as simple and straightforward as possible.

I am confident that those who decide to apply will find rewards in both the process of applying, and in the prospect of national recognition for your commitment to excellence.

Yours sincerely,

Richard W. Riley


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