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We love to hear from our valued customers, if you’d like to submit a testimonial please E-mail us at custserv@whiteflowerfarm.com.

Oriental Lilies grown by B Jacobsen  

Having been a customer of long standing and a very satisfied one, I wanted you to see one of my oriental lilies. My friends and I derive much pleasure each year watching it grow! I believe it is American Dream? Too bad I don't have more space for more bulbs!
B Jacobsen


Red Amaryllis grown by Claghorn of PA  

This photo was submitted by Claghorn - Philadelphia, PA
Red Amaryllis

Pink and Red Knock Out Roses grown by Claghorn in PA  

This photo was submitted by Claghorn - Philadelphia, PA
Pink/Red Knockout Roses

Daylilies grown by JoAnne Trygg of PA  

I am attaching a copy of a photo I took of a part of my garden that was planted with one of your day lily mixtures. It turned out really well, and has gotten many comments from visitors.
JoAnne Trygg, Dillsburg PA

Lily Collection grown by K Peters of MA  

This photo was submitted by
K Peters - Rockland, MA
July/August Lily Collection

Our home in Running Springs burned to the ground in last Oct.'s Calif. wildfires. We lost huge pines and almost all vegetation, but the daffodils I ordered from you pushed through the ashes in the spring and bloomed profusely, adding some cheer to an otherwise bleak landscape. These daffodils are for our new home -- I hope they will thrive and bring cheer to another garden next spring.
Kathy Plescher

People, Places, Plants - Spring 2008
Their readers voted us as their Favorite Specialty Nursery, for the 2nd consecutive year.

Dear All, I can hardly believe the wonderful service you have shown me by sending a new Deer Stopper. The new one works fine. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for being a company with such high integrity, and you may quote me! Sincerely, Betty Nelson

You are the very best company! I mean it. Thank you so much...and be assured that you are our ONLY company to order plants from.
KM - Lawrenceville, NJ

I have been very pleased with products I've received from White Flower Farm and am proud to send gifts from them.
SL- Mentor on the Lake, OH

Dear friends at White Flower,
I just got an email that the order below has been shipped. Thanks for being so prompt. I am sure my client will be thrilled with the order when it arrives at her home.
I have long been a fan of White Flower Farm. I started shopping with you in the early 1980's when I had a business in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York. The quality of your plants and the service has always been exceptional.
I now live in Los Angeles and have a landscaping design business and continue to shop with you whenever possible. Living in Zone 10 - with a micro zone number of 19 - often limits many selections that will grow in this area. When I can offer a client an item that you carry, I know that it will be of the highest quality and will become a unique specimen to the landscape.
Ted Weiant Landscape Design- Los Angeles, CA

I'm not sure to whom I should be sending this suggestion, but I trust that you will please pass it on to the right person. Thanks!

I appreciated your Thanksgiving message, and feel thankful for a high quality company like yours.

In contemplating this uncertain economy, (where people are once more thinking about "re-use, re-cycle", etc. ) I wondered if you might want to include in your writing about amaryllis that they can be the gift that keeps on giving. As you know, with proper care they can live for many many years. (I still have a bulb that was given to me by my father, who has been gone now for 20 years!)

Of course most people will still choose to buy new bulbs every year so they can make sure when the bulbs will bloom (or will want to add new varieties to their collection of spring beauties) but it might be a nice sales incentive to let people know that they can give a gift that can bring beauty to the life of their friends for many years. You might even advertise that with the plant you will send instructions about how people can get their bulb to rebloom the next season. (Of course most people won't go to the trouble to do it.......but it could possibly encourage sales to some folks.)

I have many amaryllis, some of which came from you. Each spring when they start up, I have a "loan an amaryllis" program. As soon as I see that a bulb has a flower starting up, I take it to an elderly friend, or the local nursing home, or to someone who doesn't have garden space or just needs a spring cheer-up. The bulbs bloom beautifully for people all over town. The understanding is that my friends may keep the bulbs (after flowering is finished) if they wish, or the bulbs may be returned to me to nurture in my garden for the summer, and I will give them back to them when ready to bloom again. It's amazing how much excitement an amaryllis can hold for a retirement community of people, who no longer have gardens.

Your amaryllis are so gorgeous.....I hope you sell very many of them!

Wishing you a happy holiday season.

Carole Sullivan - Galena, IL


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